Chapter 2

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I said while ripping myself from the man behind me, my body completely sobering up.

I quickly ran over to Katherine, throwing the man off of her too, her drink spilling all over her
dress as I did so.

"What the fuck!" She shouted at me, trying to wipe off the spilled alcohol.

"We need to get the fuck out of here," I said to her, grabbing her arm and trying to take her off the dance floor.

"No, we're not done yet!" She whined.

"Katherine, listen to me. The Italian mafia is here, we need to leave now." I said harshly, still trying to pry her away.

"So what, that's daddy's and your problem, not mine." She whined again, "you can leave, but I'm staying."

I was fuming with anger, she was obviously drunk and I needed to get us out of here.

So I dragged her out of there, her protests and whines trailing behind us as we exited the sweaty club.

"Elena, you're such a fucking bitch!" She shouted at me as I looked around the alley way, searching for any movement in the dark.

"Well, well, well." I voice said behind us, "look what we have here."

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath in to calm myself down.

Before I turned, I could feel the smirk on my back, his coy smile looking down at me as he held a gun at his side.

I quickly grabbed mine that was beside my dagger at my thigh, pointing it straight at him.

"What the fuck do you want, Stefan?" I gritted out, his smile growing wider as he trailed his eyes over me.

"I've just come to say hi, like old times."

"Fuck you," I spat.

"Elena, who is this hot guy," I heard my sister say, her hips swaying as she walked towards him.

A look of disgust flashed at his face, and then he turned it into a flirty smile.

I rolled my eyes as she whispered something in his ear, a smile forming on his face as he chuckled.

"That's enough," I ordered, pulling her back
away from him.

"We have no business with you," I said quickly, "we're done here."

"Nah ah. You're on my property, my club. You're not going anywhere."

"Bullshit, you go to mine all the time. We're leaving."

I didn't make it far when he grabbed my shoulder, pulling me back against him, the gun pointed to my head.

"That's because your father and I had an arrangement," he whispered in my ear. "You're not leaving."

I winced as Katherine giggled from the ground, her body slumped against mine as she hiccuped.

"Let me go," I gritted out, trying to shrug him

His grip got tighter and I could feel his hot breath in my ear.

"How does it feel acting like a whore? Hm?" I felt his fingers trail to the open slit at my dress, his warm fingers on my bare skin.

"Letting men touch you like that?" He asked, "I never knew you were a slut."

That was the final straw. I took my free elbow and jammed it into his chest, his grip loosening
on me.

I slammed my foot into his groin, causing him to groan and fall to his knees.

I grabbed Katherine and rushed away, ignoring his words as we crossed the street.

"This isn't over, Pierce!" He shouted, "we're not finished."

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