Chapter 40

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Stefan's pov

The sounds of beeping surrounding me as I
regained consciousness, muffled voices around me as I tried to reopen my eyes.

I shut them instantly when a bright light invaded my vision, and I heard someone say
to shut them off.

When I felt everything around me go black, I opened them, multiple pairs of eyes looking back at me.

"Stefan?" I heard my mother whisper, her face so close to mine I almost jumped.

I didn't respond, my body felt so weak I couldn't speak.

When I glanced around the room, I found my father and the rest of my brothers staring at me, concern on all of their faces.

"Can you hear us?" My mother tried speaking again, and I finally tried to talk.

"Yes," I breathed out, wincing at how dry
my throat was.

"Here," my mother said, giving me a glass of
water, "drink this."

I gulped down the cup, the fresh water reliving my dried throat.

My father came up to me and put a hand to my shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze.

"We're glad to have you back son," he said to me quietly, and I just nodded.

I didn't forget the last time I had been awake,
those haunting memories flooding my mind as I laid there.

"How long have I been here?" I asked them, and they glanced at each other.

"About a month," my mother answered, moving her hand to my hair, "we found you a month

"What happened to Liam?" I asked.

"He got away," my father cut in, "we've been
hunting him down ever since."

"And Elena-" my mother started.

"Don't." I whispered, "I already know."

She only looked down, removing her hand from
my hair and onto my own.

"They say she has a chance to wake up," she
glanced at my father, "but it's slim."

I widened my eyes at what she said, my brain trying to process her words.

"She's alive?" I breathed out, and she nodded.

"But barely," she said.

My father walked up closer to us.

"The reason you're still alive is because of her Stefan," he started, "she was able to shoot Liam in the leg."

"I don't understand," I said, "she looked dead,
her body was on the ground."

"When we found you guys, her body was laying next to yours, a gun in her hand as well."

"And when we tested the blood, Liam's was mixed in with yours." Klaus cut in.

I couldn't process what they were saying, I couldn't comprehend that she was still alive.

"I need to see her," I said to them, and my mother opened her mouth to protest, but my father
held up a hand.

"Of course," he said to me, grabbing a
wheelchair from across the room and helping me onto it.

They wheeled me down the hallway and into
another room, where we were met with Elena's family, and my father gave a nod to them.

"Stefan, I'm glad you're awake," John said to me as I was pushed into the room.

His eyes looked sunken, along with Isobel's. And it seems as though their eldest daughter was
non existent in the room.

But when my eyes scanned the room, looking for Elena, I felt like I wanted to die.

There she laid, machines connected her body, a tube down her throat.

I wheeled myself next to her, grabbing her hand in mine as I looked at her closed eyes.

"We'll give you some time," John said to me, and I heard the door shut behind all of them.

It took a moment before I could speak, before I could even move.

"You saved me," I whispered. "Even though you were dying - you saved me."

I let myself drench into the sadness, the aching feeling taking over my body as I stared at her.

"It should have been me, not you." I told her.

"Why did you come?" I said quietly. "You're so stubborn."

I looked towards the beeping machines, sighing as I looked back at her pale face.

And this time, I allowed the tears to fall, and they did, drenching my cut cheeks.

"You can't leave me," I whispered out, "not when I just got you."

I shook my head as I moved my head down, placing my forehead next to our hands.

"Don't leave me, please-" I said over and over again.

"I love you, so much," I sobbed into the sheets, gripping onto her hand tightly.

"I love you, my perfect Elena..."

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