Chapter 24

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I fell in and out of consciousness, my brain fuzzy as I adjusted to the light in the room.

I tugged my hands, but when I did, they didn't
move, and I now realized I was tied to a
chair, both hands and feet bounded.

"Shit," I muttered, looking around to find
that I was alone.

Of course this had to happen, of course there
was too many people.

Stefan's gonna kill me.

I need to get out of here as fast as possible. But
I couldn't. My weapons were gone and there
was no possible way I could escape.

I could still hear the distant sounds of gunshots.

Good, it hasn't been long.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I yelled, tugging so hard on
the restraints that I felt my blood start to form.

I don't know how long I sat there, waiting and
waiting for my mafia, even for the Russians.

And my time spent alone was over, when I saw a man walk through the door.

"Look at you," he said, "we finally caught you."

"Go fuck yourself," I spat, my eyes squinting in anger as I stared at him.

"You shouldn't say such inappropriate things,"
he said, taking the chair from across the room
and sitting in front of me.

"Let's make this quick," he started, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I want you to tell me where the New York shipment is," he continued.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

He chuckled, leaning in closer, "you know
very well."

"The heir to the American and Italian mafia doesn't know where her biggest shipment of
guns are?"

I didn't say anything as he continued on.

"Don't play games, Elena." He said harshly.
"We're supposed to be friends-"

"We stopped being friends when you fucked my sister," I hissed out, "you're nothing to me."

He laughed at this, his chuckles echoing across
the room.

"Ah right, I remember." He smiled, "you were
so devastated, so sad."

I spat at his feet, the anger making my body
so hot I thought I was going to explode.

"That was a long time ago, Liam. We were
just teenagers."

The smile didn't leave his face, and he was still taunting me.

"Yes, it seems you've moved on. How's Stefan?"

"Cut the bullshit," I spat, "you're not here to talk about my fiancé."

"Fiancé," he chuckled, "never thought I'd hear
you say that."

I only squinted my eyes, "I don't know where the shipment is."

"Then we're going to play this the hard way," he said, before I felt the blow to my cheek,
my face swinging to the side as he retracted
his hand.

He hit me again, harder this time and I winced as my cheek became sore, the tender skin
hurting each time.

And when it stopped, I looked up confused, but I realized the sound of a bullet rang through
the air, and Stefan stood at the door.

He looked so angry I thought he would
kill me also, his gun pointed at me as Liam slumped to the ground.

"I-" I started, afraid to say anything else as he came closer, his body fuming so much I could practically see the steam coming from his ears.

"Do you know what you fucking did?" He
shouted, his voice ringing in my ears.

"You went behind my back when I told you
you not to leave the house, to not go on this
mission!" He yelled so loud I felt it through
my body.

"You could have been killed!" He clenched his fists at his sides.

"We can't lead together if you can't listen to me, we can't do this if you can't actually
fucking listen!"

I didn't say anything as he continued to
shout at me.

"If you died," he spat out, searching his brain for the words.

"Then what?" I hissed, "you would be in

I scoffed, gripping the arms to the chair tightly.

"I'm the mafia leader too, I'm allowed to leave,
I'm allowed to go on missions."

He didn't calm down.

"I don't need to listen to you, I can do whatever the fuck I want."

"What if I didn't come in here, what if I was too late and Liam beat the shit out of you?"

"Huh? What would you do, you could
have fucking died, that's why I keep you away,
that's why I don't need you on missions!" He shouted back at me, his body inching
closer, and becoming more angrier.

"I don't care! I don't care if I died, you
can't order me around, you can't control me!"
I yelled.

"I can tell you whatever the fuck I want." He said, grabbing each arm rest.

"Maybe the whole marriage was a mistake, this whole thing was stupid!"

"It's stupid because I can't even trust you!"

"Of course you can trust me, just let me-"

I didn't finish when he smashed his lips against mine, so harsh and aggressive I couldn't
move my mouth.

But then he pulled back slightly, and I kissed
him back, moving my lips against his.

I was still bound to the chair, but I didn't care, and we both fought with our mouths, and when he bit my bottom lip, I moaned, and he plunged his tongue inside.

But then he pulled away, both of us out of
breath as we stared at each other's lips.

He moved to his waist band and took out a dagger, cutting the ties off my ankles and hands.

"Find your way home," he muttered, backing up and slamming the door shut.

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