Chapter 35

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I woke up to the feeling of arms wrapped around my waist, and when I opened my eyes, Stefan was still in the same position on my body.

Except, this time his eyes were open, already
looking at me.

"Good morning." I said, running a hand
through my hair.

He kissed my bare stomach, then he moved to the other side of the bed, still keeping his hand around my waist.

"Good morning," he said back, watching as I yawned.

"We need to talk about yesterday," I said after a moment, all the intense need for him going
to a normal level.

He sighed, taking his hand off of my body.

"Yeah, I know."

"Look, what you did was shitty. Lying to me like that? Making me feel like you used me all those times, I-"

I paused for a moment when I watched his eyes sadden.

"I don't know what to do or say, you had me thinking you fucked some other girl."

"I know, I know. I was a real dick. And being drunk isn't an excuse, I just fucking wanted you right there and I didn't know what else to say,
I've never felt like this before."

"Come on, of course you have." I said, "you're Stefan Salvatore, there must have been some other girl."

He only just shook his head.

"No," he started, "you're the only one that makes me feel this way, the only one that makes

He just turned over on his back, looking up to
the ceiling above us.

"No one challenges me like you do, no one
hates me like you do."

He scoffed, running his hand over his face.

"Fuck, I don't think there could ever be anyone else that could make me feel like this."

I didn't say anything as he said those words to me, the feeling of butterflies erupting in my stomach as he continued on.

"And when you left yesterday, I knew I fucked
up, seeing that goddamn look on your
face made me want to let go of everything, even let you go and be free in your life."

He continued to ramble on, his gaze still on the ceiling above until he said his next words.

"But as I followed you to explain everything, to tell you what you do to me, I saw you with that guy and and it took everything in me to not
kill him."

His eyes were directly on mine now, digging deep into my soul, searching every inch of
my body.

"I can never let you go, even if I did, I'll always be there, watching from the sidelines."

"You're mine, you'll forever be mine, even if you hate me, even if you want to kill me, you're
fucking mine."

I was frozen in place, I didn't know what to say

What he did to me two nights ago hurt,
and even as he licked the hot tears off my face,
I hated that moment, and I brushed off the pleasurable feeling of his tongue on my face.

But his words now made me forget everything,
the burning hatred for him vanishing as I stared
at him, his darkened eyes staring at me.

I forgive him, even after everything I forgive

That is the right choice. Right?


I think I took too long to answer, because he grabbed the back of my neck and kissed me.

"Hate me, tell me that you hate me," he
muttered against my mouth, and I was too
caught up in grasping onto him I didn't answer.

But my movements faltered when I felt his hand slither up my neck, his fingers wrapping
around me.

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