Chapter 23

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"How have you been?" He asked as I pulled my pants on, securing the belt in place.

"Great," I said.

"How's your fiancé?" He asked suddenly, and
I froze.

Shit, I have to pretend.

"He's amazing actually, we're getting married
next week."

"I better be invited," he replied, and I let out a
sigh of relief.

"Of course," I said happily. "Now as much as I'd love to talk like old times, I need that
mission Stefan was sent on."

I heard clicking on the other side of the phone, and I knew he was checking on the computer.

Matt had been the man behind the scenes,
the one who helps me direct missions and helps me get through.

"It looks like it is classified for him," he said, still typing.

"I need to get into that mission," I said while walking into the bathroom and getting ready.

"I can get through, I'm just warning you that he doesn't want you there."

I took a deep breath and looked at myself
in the mirror, trying to calm myself down.

"Get me in."

I heard more clicking on the other side, and by
the time I walked down the stairs and grabbed
my car keys, he finally answered.

"I'll send you the address right now," he told me.

"But Elena, this mission is dangerous, we're dealing with the Russians."

"Okay..." I trailed off, confused as to why he's telling me this.

"There Italian captives," he said, "and it's one
of the biggest shootouts we've had."


The car ride was silent as I drove to the
address Matt sent me.

I had to admit, I was a bit nervous.

This was a big mission, and I'm going in alone.

But it's worth it.

The sun has reached its peak in the sky, and
I cursed at the red stop lights, hoping to get
there any faster.

But once I reached a couple blocks away,
parking in an empty parking lot, I found myself jittering with nervousness.

I grabbed a hold of my gun and strapped my
knife onto my thigh.

I got out of the car and headed toward the large factory.

A drug factory.

No one stood outside, and I made sure to check
if there was any guards roaming in the entrance ways.

"All of them must be inside," I muttered to myself, walking up to the side entrance and opening the door.

It was silent for a moment, and I could hear
the faint echoing of gun shots down the hall.

I walked until I reached a hallway balcony,
and it overlooked the middle of the room, crates and conveyer belts filled it, and so did both mafias.

I widened my eyes at the hundreds of people
shooting and fighting each other, and I
could just make out the black symbol of our
mafia on some people's backs.

I ducked down and crawled to the other
side, hoping a sniper won't see me and
shoot me right here and now.

I reached the stairway, and I quickly ran
down it, now in view of anyone who was

A couple bullets fired past me, and I ran behind
a crate, looking over it a couple times to take down a few guys.

I smiled to myself.

This wasn't so bad after all.

I saw a couple men running towards me, and I grabbed my daggers and threw it at them,
hitting one in the chest and the other in the face.

I ran over and took them out, placing them back
in it's hold.

I watched familiar people run past and tackle
the Russians, taking them down and killing them.

I then remembered what Matt said.

"There's Italian captives."

I cocked my gun as I put new bullets in, trying
my best to run past people and get to the
open door.

"The American princess," I heard one of them sneer, a large body blocking my view of the
the door.

I didn't waste anytime by running towards him, slamming my body on the ground and sliding
underneath him.

I took the dagger from my ankle and moved to thrust it into his back, but he was fast enough.

He gripped my hand tightly, enough to make
me gasp out.

He slammed his free hand into my rib cage, and I thrashed in his hold.

With his hand clamped around my wrist, I hoisted my legs up, kicking him in the groin
as he let go.

"Cyka," (bitch) he gritted out, grabbing his gun tighter and pointing it towards me.

But his eyes looked behind me, and he nodded
in understanding.

It took a moment to realize someone was behind me, and I didn't have a chance to move when I felt the sudden sharp pain to the back of my head.

And I couldn't do anything as I fell to the floor,

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