Chapter 15

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I awoke to a throbbing pain in my head, enough to make me wince my eyes at the sunlight
shining in.

I groaned when I sat up, the nauseating feeling rising up from my stomach and to my throat made me run to the bathroom.

I threw up everything from last night, all the alcohol from my system left me, and was now inside the toilet.

I gasped for air, my head pounding as I held
onto either side of the toilet.

I flushed, standing up from my spot on the
cold tile.

I walked over to the sink and splashed water in my face, the coldness reaching my skin and relaxing my body.

"Feel better?" A voice said from the entrance of the bathroom.

I turned to Stefan, his shoulder leaning against the doorframe.

"Just go away," I muttered, rummaging through the cabinets.

"Looking for this?" I heard him say, shaking a tiny bottle of aspirin.

"I put it on the bedside table for you with a glass of water," he said, handing me the container.

I looked up to him as he got close, his eyes
trailing over my face.

I only now realized how naked he was. He had no shirt on, and only a pair of pajama pants on.

I mentally shook it off and attempted to open the bottle, but the pounding headache made it difficult.

"Here," he said, taking the bottle from my hands and opening it up.

"You're welcome," he smirked, handing me a tiny pill.

I rolled my eyes, walking past him and back into the bedroom.

I noticed the glass of water on my side of the bed and I quickly walked over to it, popping the pill into my mouth and downing the water.

My throat was so dry that one glass wasn't enough, so I made my way to the kitchen and filled it up again.

After a couple minutes, I heard Stefan come down stairs, already dressed in a black button up and suit pants.

"We have to announce our engagement tomorrow at the annual event," he said to me, pouring a cup of coffee.

I followed behind him, pouring myself one too.

"You mean... the annual event where everyone is there?" I said, watching as he looked down at his phone.

"Yes," he said shortly, looking up at me. "I'll send someone to get you ready tomorrow."

"I don't need help getting ready," I protested.

He held up a finger, telling me to stop.

"It's not my decision, it was your father's."

Before I could protest even further, his phone rang, and he exited the kitchen and walked to his office, shutting the door behind him.

I rolled my eyes at his remark, and sat down at the kitchen table.

The coffee felt nice, and it soon soothed the headache that was pounding everywhere.

I completely forgot that tomorrow was the big event, where everyone in our mafia - even the ones who are stationed around the world - come to this big party.

I have to admit, it's usually fun every year, until a gun fight happens or another mafia comes and ruins things.

But now I'm assuming both Americans and Italians will be joining, and I'm not sure how
that will go down.

We have an alliance with them, a good one at least, but that doesn't stop the older members to hate and kill them. I just hope everything goes to plan when we announce our love for each other.

I shuddered at the thought. I was barricaded in this arrangement. No way to get out, no way to leave.

I was to be stuck and married to Stefan forever.

I snapped out of my thoughts when he came walking back downstairs, a suit jacket now on and his keys in hand.

He glanced at me when he made his way to the fridge, grabbing a bottle of water.

"I'll be gone all day, don't wait up for me." He said, making his way to the front door.

I didn't say anything as I heard it shut, the soft clicking of the lock echoing throughout the

I put my cup in the sink, rinsing it and putting it in the dishwasher.

I quickly got changed and brushed my hair.

I noticed my car keys sitting on the table.

Stefan most of had someone bring it back.

I shrugged and grabbed them, leaving the house and locking the door behind me.

I drove for quite some time, only stopping to get gas and another cup of coffee.

And by lunch I reached the town I was looking for, pulling up in front of the brick house.

I shut off the car, grabbing my keys and walking towards the front door.

Before I could knock, the door swung open, and I was being pulled into the house, strong hands wrapping around my waist.

I didn't say another word when they attached their lips to mine, and I did nothing to
stop it.

Instead, I smashed my lips against his, allowing him to lead me into the bedroom.

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