Chapter 39

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Stefan's pov

I watched as her body slumped to the ground, her hands covered with blood as she placed them on the floor beneath her.

"No-" I whispered out, crouching down to
reach her. "Elena stay with me."

"Isn't it sad when you watch the love of your life leave you?" Liam asked, no longer sitting down
on the ground, but standing and staring at
Elena's body.

I let out a groan when I stood back up, my entire body aching from the puncture wounds and bruises.

"You son of a bitch!" I yelled out, limping towards him and reaching for his chest.

But he only moved out of the way, his perfectly
healed body faster than my damaged one.

"You love her too," he said to me. "Don't you?"

He only chuckled out when I didn't answer, "you don't deserve her."

He kicked out my legs, making me fall to the

My eyes landed on Elena's limp body, her back turned away from us.

It didn't have to end this way.

Our love had only begun, and I haven't even told her.

But I didn't fight back when he kicked me in the stomach again, and I didn't even cry out
for help.

Because a part of me already knew that she was gone, left for good. So I took every kick, every punch, my mind only replaying one name and one name only.

Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena. Elena.

My perfect Elena.

"You're pathetic," he gritted out, and I groaned when he kicked me in the rib cage.

"You won't even fight, you don't even want to live." He spat at me, his gun now pointed straight for my head, "you never had anything
to live for."

I spat out a chunk of blood, my now swollen
eyes looking straight into his.

"Until her," I gasped out, squinting my eyes
towards his, his finger inching towards the

"If you love her so much, then you'll die trying to save her."

I let out a small breath as I placed the back of my head on the cold floor, glancing at her body once again.

She looked peaceful. No worry, no stress.

I briefly closed my eyes, turning my head to look straight up.

"She saved herself," I whispered out, repeating her name over and over again as I heard the gun cock, and I knew I was near seconds of death.

So when I heard that gun go off, I also found myself at peace, knowing that I had a chance to live her...


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