Chapter 41

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Stefan's pov

"You love me?" I heard a voice say, and my head shot straight up, my eyes meeting her dull ones.

"Elena-" I breathed out, and she smiled.

Fuck I miss that smile.

"Yeah it's me," she said, groaning as she
tried to sit up.

"No, you need to rest," I said to her, gently pushing her back down on the bed.

She only sighed, briefly closing her eyes,
and I knew she was in a lot of pain.

"What happened?" She asked me after a
moment, and I couldn't help but stare, her features lighting up as she looked at me.

"You were shot, and then-"

I didn't want to continue on. I didn't want to tell her I didn't fight, and that I accepted my fate
of death to be with her.

"Liam got away," I said, cutting to the chase. I watched as her eyes saddened, and I squeezed my hand around hers.

I didn't want you to talk about this anymore, so I instantly got up, ingulfing her in my arms.

She hugged me back, and I didn't pull away when I heard the sniffles come from my shoulder, and the wetness soaking my skin.

"It's okay," I cooed in her ear. "We're here now, we're together now."

She nodded, putting her cheek to my shoulder
and kissing my neck softly.

I quickly pulled her away and put my lips on hers, kissing her gently, her soft lips moving against mine in a steady manor.

I put my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her closer, my other hand traveling down to
her legs.

I felt her smile against my lips, and I smiled back, running my fingers through her hair.

A clear of a throat made both of us freeze and pull away.

I turned my head, looking to see both of our families and the doctor waiting by the door.

"Well this is new," I heard Damon mutter,
and the rest of them stood in shock.

"When did this happen?" My father asked, and I rubbed the back of my neck.

"Who cares about that," my mother said loudly,
"Elena's awake!"

I watched as both Elena's mother and father came running up to her side, and I moved off the bed for them to see her, but not moving far.

"Mom," she whined as Isobel squeezed her tight, "I'm still hurt."

"I just missed you so much," she said with a face full of tears, "I can't believe you're back."

"Some would say it's a miracle," the doctor said, coming up to us and holding a chart.

"Elena, we were sure you wouldn't wake up," he explained. "But we're glad you did," he smiled.

We watched as he took some test, and I sat by her side the entire time, holding her hand as she answered some questions.

"You should be able to leave by the end of the
week," he said to her, and we thanked him as he made his way out the door.

Both my brothers left to get coffee, leaving us
and our parents left in the room.

"So what now?" She asked as we all sat down, I was still holding her hand, moving my thumb around her palm.

Her father sighed, thanking Klaus as he handed him a cup of coffee.

"We have been tracking Liam down for the past month."

"Month?!" She interrupted, and I apologetically smiled at her.

"Yeah sorry, I forgot to mention that."

She punched my arm harshly, and I let out a
a hiss of pain and put my hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, I'm still hurt too."

She just rolled her eyes and I playfully smiled at her, earning a glare from her.

"So I've-" she glanced over at me. "We've been out for a month?"

We all nodded, and she just sighed as she put her head back down onto the pillow.

"So he's been on the run for a month," she said, "he could be anywhere."

"True, but his main target is you," my dad said
to her, taking a large swig of his coffee.

I watched as her mother twiddled around nervously, glancing at her husband as she said his next words.

"So that means you will have to be in a safe
house until Liam is caught."

She just chuckled, shaking her head at his

"I'm helping you guys, end of discussion."

"No Elena," I cut in. "Please just do as we say,"
I said softly. "I'll be there, but he's after you, and I need you to be safe."

I watched as she clenched her jaw, her mind probably telling her to protest, but I gave her hand a soft squeeze, and she just nodded.

"Stefan is leading this mission," her father said, and I felt a death grip on my hand.

I winced as she squeezed tightly, finally letting go as I let out a hiss of pain.

"So he gets to leave and go on missions and I don't?" She asked, "this is bullshit."

"And it's for your safety," her father said, "what happened last time cannot happen again, you can't argue this Elena."

She muttered a curse under her breath, looking away from us and onto our joined hands.

"Fine," she gritted out, "I'll go."

I smiled, giving her hand a kiss as she looked
back up to me.

"Thank you," I said to her, and she nodded.

"We'll drive you out once you are released," my dad said, and both of us nodded together.

"We're glad you're better," my mom said to her, walking up and giving her a quick kiss on the

I felt my heart warm as I watched Elena smile to her, thanking her as my father and her walked
out the door.

"We'll go check back in with the doctor," Isobel said, leaving us alone in the room once again.

"I know this is a lot-" I started, "and I'm sorr-"

I didn't finish when she put her lips on mine again. "I love you," she whispered out, and I kissed her again.

"I love you too," I said against her lips, smiling as she laid her head onto my shoulder.

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