Chapter 21

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Stefan ran his hands through his hero hair as he sat down on the bed, obviously stressed out
from the news.

"Next Thursday," he muttered, "that's less
than a week."

I stood standing, crossing my arms as I looked down at him.

"Do we have a choice?" I asked, watching as he sighed.

"No," he grumbled, standing up and walking to his drawer, pulling out a bottle of whiskey.

He took a swig, not wincing as the alcohol went down his throat.

He offered it to me, and I took it, squinting my eyes as it burned.

"I'm impressed," he smirked, taking the bottle back and taking another sip.

I shrugged, "there's a lot of things you don't
know about me."

"Well played," he said, placing the bottle in
between his legs.

It was silent for a moment, and his phone
buzzed, and he silently checked it.

"They have everything planned," he said,
shutting it off and placing it on the nightstand.

"What do you mean?"

"Everything had been ordered and set, meaning we'll have a big wedding," he said, taking a
larger sip.

"Oh," I said quietly, grabbing the bottle from his hands and taking a swig.

"Whoa, slow down." He said to me, trying to
grab the bottle.

"I want to get drunk," I said out of breath,
wiping the alcohol from my lips.

"You want to get drunk?" He asked, eyeing me slowly as I licked my lips, tasting the strong substance on my tongue.

I nodded, "get me drunk."


"Chug! Chug! Chug!" I shouted, laughing as Stefan winced at the alcohol, finishing the row of shots on the kitchen counter.

"You try," he smiled, pouring another round
in the same row.

I walked over to the start, taking the glass in my hand and going down the row of cups, quickly downing the vodka.

"Wow," Stefan said. "That was fucking amazing."

I took a drink from my free standing glass, the fruity substance that we created soothing my
sore throat.

I watched as Stefan walked over to the fridge, pulling out a lime.

"Let me take a shot off of you," he smirked, quickly cutting the lime in half.

"Okay," I said, placing down my cup and walking over to him.

He put one hand on my waist and used the other to grab the bottle of vodka.

He moved my hair over my shoulder, his fingers slightly brushing against my bare skin.

I held my drunk breath, watching as he came closer, our alcohol filled breaths mixing

He was so close now that I felt my body shiver, and when he gripped my waist tighter, I felt his hot tongue on my neck, licking my skin in one stroke.

When he pulled back, he put the lime in his mouth, replacing it with a large amount of vodka.

"Shit," he muttered, removing his hand from my waist and backing away.

"Wanna try?" He asked and I nodded, taking the lime in my hand and the vodka in the other.

He stood still as I walked closer, our chests brushing together as I leaned in, my lips slightly brushing against his soft skin.

I replaced my lips with my tongue, tasting his

Once I licked the side of his neck, I pulled back, both our eyes on each other as I sucked the lime, then taking a swig from the vodka.

I watched as his eyes darkened, gulping as I licked the remaining vodka from my lips.

"That was fun," I giggled, taking another swig.

He pulled the bottle away from me, placing it down on the counter.

"Come on," I said, "we can't be done yet."

"It's getting late," he said, checking the time on the stove.

"I have to leave early tomorrow."

I slightly dropped my face, taking a step back from him.

I followed him upstairs, too drunk to get ready
for bed.

We both hopped into bed, and I didn't make any move to turn over when he faced me, both
laying on our sides as we store at each other.

"Where do you go during the day?" I asked quietly, and he slightly frowned, shifting his
eyes down.

"I try to busy myself with missions." He responded, meeting my eyes once again.

"Why?" I asked.

He didn't say anything for a moment, and then
he opened his mouth to say something, but quickly closed it.

"I don't know," he shrugged.

"Why can't I go on missions?" I said finally,
the drunkness taking over my body.

And I knew it was the alcohol taking over his
body when he said his next words.

"Cause I don't want you to get hurt."

He didn't continue the conversation when he rolled over, turning away from me.

I laid there in shock for a couple minutes, but soon fell asleep, not pulling away when I felt a strong set of arms pulling me snug against a chest.

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