The Calm

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(Freddy's POV)

The bite of the chilly Fall wind pinched the nerves in Freddy's fingertips. He looked out over the small pond he and his friends had found, watching the ripples silently. Even though he had a jacket on, he still shivered as the wind overcame him.

He had brought a hoodie with him, but Freddy decided not to wear it. His jacket was enough to keep him warm, but his ears suffered. Occasionally, he would press against them, feeling and hearing the crack of his ears. It was satisfying.

Jonathan's death would be satisfying as well. 

He clenched his teeth, his jaws aching from the bitter cold. Every five minutes, his thoughts would shift back to Jonathan. Freddy hated that man. First, he had killed Chica's little sister only a few months before. Chica seemed to be over the death, but Freddy could feel a dark presence lurking within her every time he would near her. She was definitely trying to cope.

Freddy's mother on the other hand . . .

She had changed. Usually she was positive, happy, confident. When Freddy had seen her again, all she was was a shell of her former self, a bottle of alcohol always clutched in her hand. Her eyelids had been baggy, she was skinnier, everything seemed wrong.

When their eyes met, there were about five seconds of complete shock. Then, she began pacing, muttering to herself over and over, I'm dreaming . . . but it feels real . . . am I going insane?

Still they hugged. She had taken his existence a lot better than he had expected her to. She seemed happy, definitely, but there was confusion and everything. Freddy was scared to break the news that he would need to leave again. His mother hadn't taken that very seriously. He managed to calm her down and help her understand that everything would be okay. That he would be home soon and that their lives would be completely happy.

But that was six months ago.

Yet it seemed like only yesterday Freddy had been slapping hands with other 7th Graders.

Now, he was fourteen. His life had flipped completely around ever since that day they had all met at the park. Jonathan was putting the world in danger. Freddy hated that man with every ounce of his being. All Jonathan seemed to do was hate, hate, hate. For some reason, Freddy wanted the old Jonathan back. The one that joked and laughed all the time. Now, he was more evil than Freddy thought he could be. 

Then Freddy thought about what Jonathan had said as he whipped Freddy. The dog only bites because it loves something. What could a man like Jonathan possibly love? Freddy couldn't think of one thing. Even power. Power seemed to just be a want. It wasn't something Jonathan would love. 

Still, Freddy watched every ripple in the pond as the wind passed over it. Everything was so calm. 

Freddy knew that would change.

"Hey, Freddy," a voice came from behind Freddy. He turned around and saw Foxy walking toward him from a large expanse of trees. "How are you?"

Freddy sighed, his head filled with all of the circumstances. "Alive. You?"

Foxy sat down next to Freddy. Now, Foxy's voice sounded deep and gruff, like a pirate, especially after he turned fourteen. "Alive." 

Freddy nodded and still looked across the large pond. "I really hope we don't die. I promised my mom that we'd be okay and return home."

"We won't die. Nobody's gonna die, alright? You don't need to worry."

"I'm not worried. I'm just . . ." Freddy searched for the right word. ". . . apprehensive."

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