The Peace

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Freddy's POV

It was light. All Freddy could see was light.

It wasn't white light. Just pure light. It was like the sun. It looked white, but it was just . . .


Freddy was lying down. The ground felt soft and comforting, like a mattress. It felt nice. It felt . . . peaceful. The silence seemed to fill with the illusion of music, heavenly hosts of angels singing in perfect harmonies. 

The light faded a little. Just enough that Freddy could see the slight silhouette of a person. They wore a bright white robe, and the only dark that could be seen was where their skin and hair was.

"Who . . . ?" Freddy mumbled. His voice felt clean again. Not charred and raspy like it had been before. And all aches of his previous life had faded away . . .

The light faded a little more to reveal more features of the person. Long red hair, freckles, amber eyes . . .


"FOXY!" Freddy squealed with delight. He scrambled to his feet and dashed toward Foxy. Tears began to well up at the bottom of his eyes, his heart beating faster and faster with every powerful stride he took. 

Foxy smiled and began running to Freddy as well. "Freddy! You're here!" he yelled.

They met and instantly embraced each other. "Holy crap, Foxy . . . you have no idea what we just did."

"What do you mean? I just got here," Foxy laughed.

Freddy let go and raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"I appeared here in the afterlife just a minute ago after Bonnie . . . ended my life--BONNIE! Where is she?! We need to find her, now!" Foxy grabbed Freddy's wrist and took off running. Freddy struggled to keep up, as Foxy was a fast runner.

"Wait, Foxy!" Freddy yelled with a laugh. "I need to tell you what I did."

Foxy stopped and turned around, facing Freddy. "What did you do?"

"I destroyed the surface of the world."

Foxy's eyes boggled. "You--WHAT?!"

Freddy's head hung low. "Yeah, I know it's terrible, but I mean--"

"No!" Foxy laughed. "That's great! That means that everyone on Earth should be dead, but there's only one person we know who isn't dead . . ." Foxy smirked.

Freddy smiled.


"So . . ." Freddy mused. "Jonathan will suffer with loneliness for all eternity in a burning wasteland with no hope whatsoever?"


"Then let's go find Bonnie and Chica! I bet we'll see them somewhere." Freddy grabbed Foxy's wrists and ran with him. Foxy shook it away and dashed in front of Freddy, sprinting off into the endless light.

*     *     *     *     *


Foxy looked everywhere for even the slightest silhouette of two girls. He called out, "Bonnie! Chica! It's Foxy!" But they never answered.

Freddy frowned. "Maybe if we wait a little bit. We'll have to see them eventually."

Foxy nodded. "Alright. Let's sit down. The ground's real comforting."

"I know, right?" Freddy said with a laugh as he sat down. Foxy followed him down to the ground, and they each rested for a moment.

"How bad was it?" Foxy asked.

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