The Holiday

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Chica's POV

A couple of weeks had passed, and Chica was getting worried.

They'd all been listening to the news as much as they could, and there was no confirmation of where Jonathan was. No major attacks. No sightings. Just political problems and maybe a few mentions of Jonathan, but no recent events. 

And tomorrow was Christmas.

Chica felt the nostalgia fluttering within her. She hadn't actually celebrated Christmas since she was eleven or twelve. Last time Christmas came around, they were all stuck in a simulation. They could celebrate it in Ben's house.

What if this was a part of Jonathan's plan? Luring them into a false sense of security and suddenly striking once again? They couldn't drop their guard like that, and that was one of Chica's worst fears. 

Chica turned around from the window and walked into the kitchen, seating herself down. It was snowing outside, and it had piled up quite a bit. Maybe they could go out and make snow angels or something. Or they could build a snowman. She turned around to the group, who all were through a door behind Chica listening to the radio as usual.

"Hey guys," Chica called. Foxy and Bonnie turned around to face her, but Freddy still listened to the radio with Fred. "Do you wanna build a snowman? There's a lot of snow outside, so maybe we could do that before Christmas tomorrow."

Bonnie seemed to shiver a little. "Those words seem to chill me. I don't know why, but it's like I've heard that phrase a billion times."

"What phrase?" Chica asked.

"Do you wanna build a snowman? I don't know, but . . . anyways, that would be fun." She turned to Foxy. "Do you wanna . . . uh . . . go outside and make three giant snowballs, one smaller than the other two, and stack them on top of each other?"

"That would be fun, but we don't know when Jonathan is going to attack," Foxy said.

Chica laughed. She put on a phony British accent and straightened her posture. "Well, the devil with Jonathan! Let us all go and have some fun!"

Foxy and Bonnie giggled in unison. "Alright, fine. We'll have to get some good clothes to go out in the snow in."

*    *    *    *    *

After an hour in the snow, they'd finally finished building their snowman. It was a lot harder than they'd expected it to be. They even started questioning if they'd done it right.

"Alright, that was fun," Foxy said with a sigh. "Let's blow it up."

Chica looked at him with shock. "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean . . . this should be a great way to get some training. We can build a giant army of snowmen and see how fast we can blast them all. And it'll be good to learn how to efficiently build a snowman."

Bonnie laughed. "Alright, then I guess we'd better get to work. I think it's about three o' clock, so we have about seven hours to do this."

They agreed to start working, and they did. Foxy rolled up a big ball of snow in a matter of ten minutes, but Bonnie and Chica already had their balls of snow all built up by then. Bonnie stacked hers on top of Foxy's and helped Bonnie stick the last one on top.

"Alright, let's move onto the next one! We did that in about fifteen minutes," Foxy observed. 

Chica sighed. "This is a bit tiring."

"Fighting Jonathan is tiring," Bonnie huffed. 

Chica clenched her fists and relaxed them in fake agitation. "Then let's get moving."

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