The Battle

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Bonnie's POV

There must have been thousands of thoughts running through Bonnie's head as she watched Chica mouth the words, This isn't the end. Think of your family! to her. Chica had been right. Bonnie didn't want to leave her family in despair. 

She looked up at Jonathan, a million more thoughts echoed in her ears. All Bonnie knew was that he was immortal. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't kill him. But maybe it was worth a try to simply defeat them. Maybe she could use words to avert the execution. But now wasn't the time. 

Bonnie had to fight.

"Shut up, you fat sack of grapes!" Bonnie screamed, interrupting Jonathan's little speech. He looked at her with shock as she jumped off of the stage, straining to get the bands off. She pulled as hard as she could before they snapped. Her arms flew backward due to the force of breaking the bands, and she immediately found an animatronic running in close to her. She pulled her hands forward, forming an energy orb and sending it at the animatronic. Sparks flew and soared through the air. Bonnie dove out of the way.

"Kill them at all costs!" Jonathan commanded. "Blow the roof off of the place if you have to!" He then took off into the air, skimming the ceiling of the Diner. Freddy took off as well, charging at Jonathan. Chica ran toward Bonnie, who sprinted across the floor of the diner desperately.

She shot sparks at every animatronic she came across. Some of their actions were slowed, but others had no effect. Bonnie spun around and sent a larger ball of energy behind her. It whizzed past Chica and smashed into the animatronics. Spare parts were sent spiraling across the room. Bonnie covered her head with her arms, feeling a few nuts and bolts flick her arms and legs. A purple shoulder skittered to Bonnie's feet.

Bonnie looked up to Freddy, who seemed to be nimbly fist fighting Jonathan in midair. From Bonnie's perspective, Jonathan had the upper hand, as he was able to land a few tough blows onto Freddy. Bonnie didn't have much that she could do, but she did have one crazy idea . . .

Blow the roof off if you have to!

And that's exactly what she would do.

"Freddy!" she shouted. "Get outside! And hurry!"

The boy glanced at Bonnie and nodded. He furled his wings around him, like a blanket. Jonathan sent a punch his way, but the boy barely missed it as he was sent falling down to the ground. At the last possible second, Freddy unfurled his wings like a parachute. He slowly descended to the ground, retracted his wings, and dashed out the door.

Jonathan looked directly at Bonnie maliciously. "Alright, then. If Freddy's gonna be a tough one, I'll get you two."

Bonnie lightly swatted Chica in the side, gesturing for her to make an escape. The girl got the message and started running in the direction of the door. Jonathan's eyes followed her, and Bonnie felt butterflies in her stomach. Bonnie had to defend her friend.

Jonathan sent a spark at Chica, but Bonnie saw it coming. She sent one of her own at Jonathan's spark as well, diffusing it immediately. She continued this pattern, diffusing any sparks that were hurled at Chica. Bonnie's heart pounded when one spark nearly got Chica. She was nearly to the door when Jonathan's gaze averted to Bonnie.

"Not this time," he said in a sing-song voice. He sent a long column of energy directly at Bonnie. She swiftly met it midway with her own column. The blast echoed through the diner. Bonnie sighed with relief as her friend disappeared through the door. Now, it was just Jonathan she had to deal with.

Jonathan's wicked smile penetrated Bonnie's eyes, as though he were staring through her gaze and into her soul, detecting and dissecting any secrets of hers. It filled Bonnie with fear as she steadily kept her energy on Jonathan's.

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