The Visitor

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Chica's POV

"I like the outfit that Bonnie put him into," Freddy said, his gaze locked onto the glass door in the back of Ben's house. Chica followed his gaze and saw Ben's bright blue outfit. It was baggy on him, as he had lost weight in the past few months, but it looked great on Ben.

She smirked a little. Ben's hair was way long. He looked a bit strange with that long hair. Hopefully they could get it cut before they went anywhere. This house they were at was their safe haven. Jonathan couldn't find them here.

"Why are they still in there?" Foxy asked, lazily swinging on the swing.

Chica shrugged. "Let's go in and see. Bonnie's probably just keeping the poor kid company."

"I hope he doesn't go through what he already has gone through," Fred added. "That boy has experienced too much. It is best that we keep him safe."

"When we all have to leave to go figure stuff out about Jonathan, he needs to stay here. We know that time is gonna come, so he needs to stay . . ." Freddy's voice trailed off as the back door opened and Bonnie's face peered out.

"We've got food!" she called out. "Come inside so we can eat." The door shut.

Chica hopped off of her swing, a sudden feeling to sprint across the yard darting through her limbs. "Race y'all!" she yelled, and she took off.

She knew that Foxy would win the race, as he was the fastest. She dashed across the yard quickly, feeling Foxy and Freddy on her heels. 

Suddenly, everything went colorless and blank. The world swirled around as she tripped over simple nothingness. Then, everything lit up once again and she was spat out onto the ground. Chica found herself back where the playground was, Foxy and Freddy right next to her.

She shook the dizziness off and looked up at the front porch, seeing Fred there with a small smile.

"Fred!" she yelled, scrambling to her feet. "Don't do that!"

"Alright, children," Fred laughed. "Come on, now. There's food."

"Thank you," Chica said exasperated. She walked forward, suddenly seeing another portal open up in front of her. There were two others next to it as well, for Freddy and Foxy. She stepped right through it.

Chica found herself in the kitchen, the savory aroma of spaghetti and sauce and chicken entering her nose. She smiled at the smell.

"Mmm," she said hazily. "Smells great."

"Thanks," a raspy voice answered. Ben. "I made it myself."

Chica approached a chair in the kitchen, pulling it out and sitting down. 

She suddenly remembered Toi and how much she loved to cook. Her mother would always make cookies and Toi would be the first one to shape the cookies. Chica could still see her stubby little fingers squishing up the cookie dough with a grin, squealing, "Mommy, can I eat it! Can Chic-ee have some too?"

Her mother would always give Chica and Toi some cookie dough.

Now, Chica was out risking her life everyday. Now, Toi . . .

Toi . . .

She was . . .

"SHUT UP!" she suddenly screamed, feeling all of her emotions rush to the surface. She didn't even know what anyone was saying, as she had been thinking for quite a while. Everything went silent, and everyone was staring at Chica, eyes wide open. Ben's bulbous eyes were especially wide, growing and glazing over with tears.

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