The Balloons

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(Heh, heh . . . good luck, young hunnies.)

Freddy's POV

Feeling returned to Freddy's nerves fairly quickly, but all he wished was that he could just lay there.

He knew that Jonathan had won. Freddy felt like everything was over, as it probably was. All he wanted to do was wait there and watch as the glass shards moved, like puppets dangling in the air, toward Jonathan. A massive, uneven wall of glass built by and around Jonathan.

"This," Jonathan exclaimed, "is the day where everything ends!"

No, Freddy screamed in his head. No, it can't end like this! Good always wins, and it will! We'll find a way to stop this man! We will find a way! I can't . . . just . . . lay here!

Groaning, Freddy pushed himself to a kneeling position. His body felt like a giant blob of jelly. He couldn't support himself, and he collapsed once again.

The wall of glass inched toward Bonnie and Fred on the house, who were desperately scrambling about, trying to pick up Foxy and find a way off of the roof without getting killed.

But then . . . they were screaming. Not from pain, but out of concern. Freddy tried to look around, and all he saw was a little boy walking out the back door.

Little boy . . .


"Ben!" Bonnie screamed. "Get out of there! Stop!"

Jonathan started laughing. "Oh, Ben, I see my torture worked quite well on you. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing quite well," the boy rasped. "I cooked up some real good food, and my friends all had some. I think you would like it if you weren't so evil."

Jonathan hesitated for a moment. Freddy didn't hear him speak after Ben's remark.

"Get . . . out of there!" Bonnie yelled out. 

"Trust me, guys," Ben said. "I know what I'm doing."

Freddy felt a burning urge to scream. Words bubbled to his mouth, but only came out in a numb slur. "No . . . you . . . don't. . . . Get out." He had to help. Freddy pushed himself up, and was able to get to his knees without feeling like a piece of jelly. He put one knee up after the other, and was finally standing. Freddy started limping forward lazily, his muscles still numb.

"Ben, you're so kind," Jonathan finally said. "But now's not the time for dinner."

Freddy's stomach jerked as a shard of glass shot out of the entire legion of glass, straight at Ben. Ben threw his hands up, possibly a surrender.

Instead, the shard of glass disappeared right before it was about to hit the boy.

"Ben . . ." Bonnie gasped. "How did you . . ."

"Oh, it's a part of my power," Ben explained, blocking a few glass shards. "You see, I can put people into simulations, so why not glass?"

Suddenly, the army of glass that flew at Ben grew. Each little shard disappeared one after the other. No screaming in pain. Freddy limped forward, wanting to help the boy all he could.

Freddy's sight of the scene became more clear. He couldn't see Ben very well, as there was a faint ripple in front of him as each piece of glass disintegrated into simulation. Jonathan didn't seem very happy, as there was only more and more glass being thrown at the boy.

"Ben, get out of there!" another voice screamed. Freddy realized that it was Fred, who seemed to be trying to put Foxy's lifeless body into a portal, but he didn't seem strong enough. Bonnie couldn't help him, as she was still screaming for Ben as well as Fred.

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