The Windows

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Foxy's POV

Ben's cooking was absolutely impeccable.

The chicken was juicy and cooked to absolute perfection. The noodles lathered in sauce was heaven to Foxy's taste buds. The flavor was rich, and Foxy was completely full by the time he finished the first half of his plate.

He looked over and saw that Bonnie was staring at him with a quizzical expression. "You eat like a wild fox."

"Hence the name," Foxy joked, grabbing his fork and stabbing it into another chunk of chicken. Even though he was full, he couldn't resist eating.

As he stuffed the piece of chicken into his mouth, Foxy looked up at Ben, ready to thank him for the meal. But instead, he found Ben's gaze directed out the back door. His eyes were full of fear and his skin had paled more than it already had.

"Ben, what's out there?" Foxy asked, standing up and walking around the counter.

"HE'S HERE!" Ben screamed. He set his plate of noodles on the table and sprinted away, heading for the staircase and zooming right up.

Foxy looked outside, truly afraid of what was out there.

Indeed, he should have been afraid.

"Jonathan," he growled.

Bonnie perked up, alarmed. Chica went around the counter as well, and she followed Foxy's gaze.

"Gear up, guys," Bonnie commanded.

Foxy looked to Chica, trying to act brave. "Chica, go up to Ben's room and make sure he doesn't freak out too much. Protect him, and . . ." Foxy felt tears coming to the surface, and his voice reduced to a croak. ". . . If you have to . . . give your life for him."

He expected Chica to react against him, but instead, she nodded and ran upstairs like a soldier taking orders.

Foxy nodded to Bonnie and lurched at the glass door, ready to open it and attack Jonathan, but he felt a tough hand clamp onto his arm. Foxy looked up and saw Fred, smiling softly. 

"You shouldn't go out there . . . through here," Fred said.

A loud scream whipped through the air, and Foxy looked outside with alarm. Jonathan had one arm locked tightly around Chica's neck. In his other hand, he had a glimmering knife. Freddy struggled to get to Chica, but was being kicked away repeatedly by Jonathan.

"We gotta get out there!" Foxy hissed. "What plans do you have, Fred?"

Fred reached out and opened up a portal. "This leads to the roof. We'll attack from there, and I'll take Freddy up there so we can plan."

"What about Chica?" Bonnie entered. 

"She'll be the pawn in the plan, and trust me. I know exactly what to do," Fred said with a wink.

Foxy jumped through the portal and found himself on an inclined plane. His heart jumped as he realized that he was slipping. He looked down and found a solid brick chimney just feet away from Foxy's foot. Carefully, slowly, he let himself slip down until the chimney broke his descent.

"You alright down there?" a voice whispered. Foxy looked up and saw Chica crouching down on a flat platform on the roof.

Foxy felt humiliated. He hissed, "Fred, why didn't you move the portal there when I was going in?"

Fred began, "My range of deciding where it was was--"

"You guys should really not plan while I'm trying to devise my own," Jonathan cut in, a snide tone in his voice.

Foxy felt his rage boil. "SHUT UP!" screamed Foxy.

Everything happened at once. Energy hissed up above Foxy's hand and he felt himself launch up into the air. He shot the energy at Jonathan, who was on the other side of the roof. The shot would have hit the man right on if he hadn't jumped up into the air and hovered, letting the energy strike the house and blasting some of the roof off. 

"Give me the spirits, and you kids can live your happy, normal lives," Jonathan coaxed with a snakelike glare. "Alright?"

"Never," Freddy spat. Wings instantly sprouted from his back and the boy took off into the sky. Foxy's stomach tied itself into a knot as purple energy shot up at Freddy. 

He couldn't just stand there. Foxy conjured up a few small orbs of energy. He gazed up at the purple energy and sent a couple of balls of red light up into the sky.

Foxy's energy collided with Jonathan's energy, causing a sudden jerk of electricity to shudder the air. The redhead's senses were dulled. The world spun in lazy circles as he collapsed, feeling the world rush up at him.


Freddy felt his stomach jolt as he watched Foxy collapse on the roof. What happened to him? Did it have something to do with his energy crashing into Jonathan's?

He flapped his wings a few times until he was floating in the air. Freddy flicked his head down at the purple piece of lard, feeling his eyes blaze with anger.

"Get out of here," he shot sternly. "Before you hurt any of my friends."

Jonathan laughed under his breath, making Freddy shiver. "Freddy, do you realize how much blood is on your hands?"

Freddy's fists clenched. 

Jonathan continued, grinning. "If only you had just given me your powers and allowed me to take everyone else's powers, you wouldn't be responsible for so, so much life."

Freddy didn't like the way Jonathan had used the word take. He shook his head. "How am I responsible? You're the one crushing everyone with buildings. You're the one terrorizing everyone. Why would you think I'm responsible for all these peoples' deaths? Why don't you get it?"

"You don't get it, Freddy. If you would just give me your powers, I can fix things."

"How could you fix things? All you want is to destroy."

Jonathan tilted his head. "Do I come off that way? Well, guess--you know what? This conversation is meaningless. I'll just get you out of the way I know how."

Next thing Freddy knew, there was a massive wall of purple light being thrown at him. He quickly spun around, letting his wings twist through the air. The wall of energy was cut down and some was thrown at Jonathan. Freddy knew what Jonathan would do next, so Freddy stopped flapping his wings and allowed himself to fall down to the ground. A ball of light zoomed above him, right where he originally was. 

"Bonnie!" Freddy screamed, touching down to the ground. "Do your part! And hurry!"

As he took off, he locked eyes with the purple haired girl, who nodded at Freddy. He circled around Jonathan and zoomed at him as quick as he could, tears building up on his eyes. Bonnie's energy shot at Jonathan from the front. Yes! Freddy thought. We've got him trapped!

Next thing he knew, purple was all he could see. A wide globe of energy exploded outward from Jonathan. Pain reverberated through Freddy as he launched backward. He crashed into the ground, numbness spreading through his shoulders, legs, and chest.

Through blurry vision and wavy hearing, Freddy could see Jonathan with his open hands out to the sides, as though proclaiming his power. "Time to finish you guys off . . . in style."

Freddy's vision cleared just in time to see Jonathan's fists close, shattering every window pane on the block.

(Tense, huh? That's how I like it.

Love y'all!


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