chapter one<3

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irl <3 (lilys pov)

i got in the door, just home from a walk.
"hi honey!" i hear my mum shout from the kitchen. i get a quick smell of brownies cooking as i walk into the kitchen.
"hey mom, where's ami?" i asked her, inspecting my jeans to see there was mud at the ends.

"she's upstairs, but knock because i think she might be streaming." she said, focused on making sure the brownies weren't undercooked. i nodded, heading out the door into the hall. i was greeted by my small dog molly, jumped up at my legs. i gave her a little pat on the head before running up the steep stairs.

i finally make it to a closed doors with a sign that says "amis room" in dark green letters. i knock on the door, quickly getting a reply.

"i'm streaming!" ami shouts.

"that's fine, i'll come see you later" i smile, still facing the closed door.

"wait lily is that you? i didn't realise you were home, come in if you want. i'm sure chat would love to finally meet you!"

i had never really taken an interest to the whole gaming and streaming thing, but ami seemed to enjoy it, and if she was happy then i was happy. i was a bit hesitant to go into her room, but i decided to do it anyways.

what was the worst that could happen?

i walked into her room, seeing her sitting at her desk, looking up at the screens before swiftly turning round to face me. "hey lily! chat, this is my younger sister lily."

i walk forward, kneeling so i was level with my sister before looking at the camera and waving. "hey chat!" i say, giving a shy smile.
"do you want to stay in here and sit with me while i stream?" she looks at me with a big grin on her face, like if i had said no, she wouldn't have let me leave anyways.

"umm well i'm not sure, what are you doing?" i ask, not really knowing "what you do when you stream?" she smiles, making me feel dumb.

"well i was playing some minecraft but that got boring so i'm just chatting for a little while. come on just stay it'll be fun!" she said, reassuring me. i look over at the chat, which is spammed with comments.

"you have a sister?"
"ami what happened you with tommy?"
"she's gorgeous"

i smile at the comments, but who was tommy?
was it a boyfriend i didn't know about? me and my sister are very open with each other so i thought she would have told me, but maybe not. i brushed it off and we carried on with the stream.

about forty-five minutes later we finished the stream. i enjoyed it, and i liked seeing ami so happy. she seemed to love doing this and she said she wants to carry it out as a career. she has everything she wants to do planned out whereas i have no clue.

i dropped out of college because i hated it, and i don't even have a job. my mom is really supportive and is giving me time to figure things out, which i really appreciated. with it being just us three girls and the dog we all got along well.

"so did you enjoy that?" ami turned to me after finishing everything up.

"it was fun!" i said, smiling back. "everyone was really sweet and the vibe was chill."

"i'm glad, maybe you could show up more?"
i mean, i didn't mind the idea, it would give me something to do, so i nodded.

"only if you don't use me for clout." i said, making us both giggle. i bit my lip for a second, before quickly asking "who's tommy? i didn't think it would be that much of a deal, but apparently it was.

a/n - hi guys! sorry this is long i just wanted to get into it

hope u guys are okay!<3
thanks for reading<3

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