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She laid there in a fog as zade pumped his throbbing member into her mercilessly each pump bringing her closer and closer"
C- hey brainiac
L- hey hi hello
I was so frazzled I threw the book I was reading as my best friends walked in my room
Dal - why are you acting so weird
L- I'm not but what are you all doing here shouldn't you all be asleep as it's 9 in the morning
Dana- umm love it's going on noon
W- spend the day getting lost in a book again I see
Dav- I don't see how
C- well let's look shall we
After those words left his mouth I realized the book was now in his hands from after I threw it
C- she got on her knees eagerly waiting for him to shoot his load all over her relishing in his moans and groans
My body was on fire from blushing like crazy and I wanted to die in a hole right now
C- my my Lauren this is not stuff you should be reading you are way too innocent for this stuff
L- will you shut up
G- I didn't know you had these kind of books
L- well duh and it was supposed to stay that way now give me my book back
C- grab it yourself
He stuck the book down his pants and I'm hoping it was just down the pants not his boxers as well. This book already gets me crazy I don't need to be picturing how it was right next to his dick that would just make things worse! You see cole has been my best friend for forever he's a popular guy tho due to his charm and due to the fact he looks like he was sculpted by the gods themselves I mean chiseled muscles and just perfect! If it wasn't obvious I have a huge crush on him but once again he's my best friend so obviously never gonna happen and plus he has a girlfriend anyways. And well I'm a nobody cole was my only friend for a while then when he started getting more popular and became friends with the guys they all kind of adopted me as their friend as they knew I wasn't going anywhere and over time our friendship grew stronger as well. Cole was just smirking at me waiting to see what I was going to do and I just groaned which made the guys all laugh
L- so why are you all here anyways
Dal- we're going to Nikko's
L- ok have fun that still doesn't explain why you're here
Dav- we're bringing you with us duh
L- have you lost your mind
G- we know you don't like it there since it's always crowded and everything but you'll have fun
L- not likely
W- oh come on
L- nope
Dana- cole little help here
C- just join for food and when you're done I'll bring you home myself and who knows maybe we can read what else happens I'll be your zade
L- oh my goodness shut up
C- I'll shut up if you go otherwise I'll read more and get louder
L- you suck
C- I love you too
I groaned and got up and changed not bothering to hide from them because well this is normal for us as weird as it may seem to others. Once I was ready I grabbed my stuff and headed out with them and of course once we got there it was packed to the brim. Cole put his hand on my lower back guiding me through while gabe led the way to a spot for us to sit which thankfully he was because many girls tried stopping all the guys along the way . Once we finally reached the table and sat down half the guys went on their phones or the menus and soon enough Cole's girlfriend came over sitting on his lap and immediately shoving her tongue down his throat. She looked like a complete tramp and I seriously don't understand how she is able to leave the house the way she does. I couldn't stand to sit there witnessing it any longer so I excused myself from the table saying I had to use the restroom
Dana- you want us to wait for you to order or order for you
L- you can order for me I'll take
C- chicken strips fries and an Oreo shake
L- correct
I know it annoyed his girlfriend Brooke that he pulled away to say what it was I would want. She doesn't like me as it is I don't know if it's cause she knows I have a crush on him or because I'm a nobody or just because she knows cole would ditch her before he would ditch me. I finished my way to the bathroom just leaning on the wall in the stall trying to relax from being here being around her and being in the mood I was in when we they pulled me away from my book. I then suddenly remembered the book was down his pants last I knew last thing I need is Brooke finding out about it as well. I hurried out just to run into cole who apparently was leaving the bathroom as well
C- slow down there you ok
L- you didn't bring the book in here did you
C- no I left it in the car this way nothing happened to it
L- oh thank goodness cause I don't need anyone else finding out
C- I understand don't worry
I hugged him and then we walked back to the table just to in time for the food to arrive .
B- I don't understand how you can eat that stuff it's so unhealthy
L- I don't care I like it
B- that must be why you breakout as often as you do
L- gee thanks
B- you'll never get a boyfriend covered in acne and eating that way you know
L- that's your opinion
B- but also dressing like that doesn't help you either
C- Brooke enough this is my best friend here she's fine she's not going to have a problem getting a boyfriend there's no problem with what she eats or dresses now knock it off
B- but coley
C- but nothing
Yet another reason why I have the crush on him is because he doesn't let anyone talk down to me or anything. I finished eating then I looked at cole who was already looking at me
L- ok I held up my side of the deal and came and ate now your turn to hold up your side of the deal and let me leave
C- haha I know you guys coming
Guys- hell yeah
B- cole I thought we were hanging out this afternoon
C- things change
And with that we all walked back to the cars and went back to my house and played games and listened to music and just had a fun time. I may have been mad they came over but it was a great day!

In love with my best friend Where stories live. Discover now