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Brookes pov

I know I didn't treat cole the best so him dumping me wasn't a surprise and it was really no surprise that him and his little best friend became something considering how he always protected her and knew everything about her and what she likes proving I was right all along he had something for her. I gotta hand it to her for being slutty enough to fuck him in the girls locker room but I still decided to get even and I took a picture and video of what I caught and I sent it out to everybody I had in my phone which included Cole's friends as well. I didn't hear anything back from anyone and I didn't see anyone say anything to them but I saw the looks they got so while it wasn't what I was hoping for it was good enough.

Coles pov

During passing period and class people kept giving me weird looks and I'm used to the looks of desperate from girls but it was more then that this time and I got looks of jealousy from guys which I found odd but I shook it off and focused on the last of school for the day
Dav- so did you and Lauren have a nice chat at lunch
C- yeah
Dav- what did you need to talk to her about
C- just checking on her
Dav- that's all
C- yes David why all the questions
Dav- because I know that's not what you two did
C- what do you mean
He didn't say anything instead he passed me his phone and there was picture and video evidence of me fucking Lauren in the locker room and I saw Brooke sent it
C- shit
Dav- so your back her so called birthmark all from the other
C- yes
Dav- when did this start
C- the night of your party
Dav- why didn't you tell us
C- I don't know we just decided not to but who all did this video get sent out to
Dav- no clue but I know all the guys got it
C- shit
Dav- we all have questions
C- I'm sure you do now are they questions for just me or both
Dav- both but one specifically for you
C- well I'm taking her to get food after this since I didn't let her eat earlier
Dav- eat actual food that is
C- oh hush
I pulled my phone out and texted Lauren
C/ secrets out
L/ what do you mean
C/ the guys know and possibly many more people cause Brooke caught us and sent out pictures and videos of us at lunch
L/ is that why all the weird looks
C/ probably but the guys have questions now
L/ I'm sure they do
C/ they're joining us for food to discuss it all
L/ are they mad
C/ hard to say
L/ 🥺
C/ it will be ok I promise
L/ oookkk
We texted til the bell rang and when class was over all the guys came over to me as I walked over to meet with her
L- hi guys
She was so scared so shy I wrapped my arm around her and we headed out to the cars and went to dennys and once we were seated and drinks were ordered they went off
G- ok one of you start talking
C- where should I start
G- when it started how it started are you guys a couple all that
C- started at David's party she kissed me and it turned into oral sex after that then we decided to be friends with benefits
Dav- that's all
C- yes
Dal- why didn't you tell us we would've understood
C- I don't know we just thought it would be better if no one knew
Dana- so your back
C- is marked up from her yes
Dal- that so called birthmark Lauren
L- yes it's a hickey ok and it's from him yes
C- there's a lot more on there then just the one if we're being honest here
L- shush
C- they happened this morning in my car on the way to school
L- shush
C- we fuck like every day now
L- is there an off button on you
C- we're supposed to be filling them in here
L- they didn't ask how often or when the marks were created
C- true
Dal- so where all have you done it where all is tainted so I know to not sit or lay there
L- you already have in many of those spots
G- oh god where
L- my bed his bed
C- there's no safe spot in my car at all umm our table in a sense considering I fingered her at lunch the other day
Guys- dude
W- and you allowed that Lauren
L- yes cause it's hard to tell him no
Dal- you know the more I hear the more I wonder how truly fucked up you really are in the head
L- that's for only me to know
C- ahem
L- ok me and him to know
C- thank you
L- you're welcome but I am sorry for hiding it you guys
C - me too
Guys- you're forgiven
L- yay
We had lunch then Lauren had me drop her off and the guys hung out with me later
Dal- serious question dude how the hell are you handling a friends with benefits relationship with her when you just about are in love with her
C- it's not easy but it's the only way to be with her at all so I'm taking it
G- I'm sure if you actually asked her out she would say yes especially since she started it all I'm guessing she likes you just as much
C- maybe but I can't risk the chance that she doesn't so like I said I'm taking any chance I have to be with her in any way
Dav- dude she said she can't say no when it comes to you there's your sign right there
C- that's just cause she likes the side of her I bring out
W- that's all you think it is
C- yeah
Dana- you're delusional
C- maybe but it works
Guys- ooookkk

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