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Lauren's POV

Why oh why did I agree to this! Is it a rush is it the type of thing I've read about and dreamed about doing someday yes yes it is but that someday was just us not in front of our families! Cole of course was giddy but composed the whole night at my torture. He made me orgasm 3 times at the table and brought me to the edge 5 times because the dinner went on for forever much to my dismay. I managed to not give anything away but I feel like I may not be that lucky to maintain a poker face if he decides to try this again but now as we go to stand up to leave I realize my legs are completely fucked so I looked at Cole and he immediately knew and looked nervous instead of smug thankfully and he whispered in my ear
C- I'm gonna wrap my arm around you and walk you to the car but after that I'm gonna need you to try to walk baby I'm sorry I didn't expect it to get this way
I just nodded and he wrapped his arm around me like he said he would and he basically dragged me to the car since my legs didn't want to work. He said goodnight and goodbye to me and kissed me then helped me in the car and I left and when I got home I mustered up all the strength in me to walk to my room and it worked only for me to collapse once I had the door closed . I crawled to my bed and pulled myself up and went to bed. In the morning I could thankfully feel my legs but I was hit with a new problem when I realized my period was late and I don't mean by a couple days I mean I'm almost a month behind. I immediately started panicking and left the house and went to the drug store picking up a pregnancy test on the way to school and chugging a water the whole way there to make sure I would need to go and it worked I ran to the bathroom as soon as I stepped onto campus and I took the test then just hung out in the stall waiting for time to be up for the results and sure enough it was positive and I couldn't help but break down in there we couldn't be teen parents his parents have a game plan for his future he would take over his dads company and become this big ceo I couldn't ruin his life I couldn't ruin things but I also couldn't give this baby up. We only have 4 months left of school 4 months before his set life would start 4 months before I would officially start showing I would think so I have time to keep it a secret time to figure out how to lie to him and leave him but do I lie to my parents too because I don't know how to tell them I'm pregnant but I don't know how I'll support this baby without their help. Once I stopped crying I walked out of the stall and washed my hands and splashed water on my face to try to hide the fact I was crying and I walked over to my table.
Dal- hey girl you ok
L- yeah just tired is all
C- is that all babe
L- yes
C- ok
I kissed him and cuddled up with him which made me tear up again but thankfully it went unnoticed. For the rest of the day whenever I was around cole I would kiss him or cuddle him and just spending as much time being lovable as I could and thankfully he didn't seem to question things he just acted as lovable back. Things went this way for a month now and we still slept together but nothing crazy nothing out of the ordinary things we would do and still thankfully nothing has been questioned which means I'm doing a good job at hiding the news after all yay!

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