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Lauren's POV

As soon as I got home I really broke down crying like yes I started as I left but I managed to hold it in til I got home and got to my room. I couldn't believe he really thought I would make something like that up I couldn't believe he would yell at me kick me out and then not care that he made me cry. Maybe I should've just kept it to myself like not tell gabe and definitely not cole . It's now been a week since that day and I've been doing my best to avoid him and clearly he doesn't care about me as much anymore since he hasn't tried to talk to me or anything either . The guys have all been checking on me and telling me to maybe reach out to him so I can only imagine they've been doing the same with him. Right now I was laying on my bed reading when David and Dalton walked in
L- hey guys what are you doing here
Dal- were kidnapping you
L- huh
Dav- you know I'm having a party tonight
L- yes and you know I told you I'm not going
Dal- hence the kidnapping
L- why tho I'm so awkward in those situations and well they always end the same way you all end up with some girl leaving me all alone
Dav- not this time you won't be alone cause you'll have a guy
L- and how the hell you think that's going to happen no guy ever talks to me or attempts anything
Dal- maybe we have something up our sleeve
L- all the more reason for me not to go because I don't trust whatever you two have brewing
Dal- pleaseeeee
Dav- it will be a good way to put the drama behind you
L- how when he will be there too
Dav- exactly then you'll finally be able to talk
L- you guys
I stopped my sentence seeing the puppy dog look Dalton was giving me
L- ughhhh fine
Dav- and since we said we have a plan we have an outfit and shoes for you to wear
L - seriously
Dav- yes
He put a bag on my bed grinning ear to ear so I pulled out the shoes first as they were on top and they weren't bad it was just black high heels but then the dress that was under it made me shrink in fear one as I don't see how I'd make it out of the house in it and two this is nothing like I would normally wear it's beyond form fitted there's lots of cleavage to show there's cuts on the side and it's super short so literally not leaving much to the imagination
L- why on earth do you guys plan to make me dress like a skank
Dav- because it works
L- men are pigs
Dal- you're not wrong now change
L- yeah yeah
I grabbed the dress and a change of underwear and headed to the bathroom. Yes I normally change in front of them but that's just clothes wise not undergarments wise. Once everything was changed and the dress was on I winced I mean it didn't look bad honestly I looked really good I just felt weird. While I was in there I worked on my makeup and my hair then I walked back to the guys to show them the results as well as grab the shoes
Dal- damn girl look at you
L- I can't believe I agreed to this
Dav- it will be worth it trust me
L- ok now how do you suppose I'm gonna leave like this
Dal- throw some jeans over it and a jacket and you can still wear the heels as your mom already knows it's party night so knows you would wear that kind of look
L- oookk
I did as he suggested then I put my shoes on and we headed out. My mom told me to be careful and to stay with one of the guys if things get too late . As soon as we got back to David's house the party was already going on
L- it's your party but you weren't even here to start it
Dav- no I was it's been going on for a couple hours already before we came to grab you
L- oh lovely
Dal- now decoy clothes off missy
I took my jacket off and then the shoes to be able to get the jeans off and once I looked up after putting the shoes back on I could tell tonight was going to be different. I left the decoy clothes in daltons car and then linked arms with the guys as they were waiting for and we walked inside and met up with the rest of the group and it felt weird to be near cole again let alone with the look he's giving me
Dana- damn hon
L- don't get used to it the only reason I have this on is because of them
C- you made her wear this
Dal/dav - yup
C- I need a drink
He walked away and I rolled my eyes
L- great call on this party putting the drama I have with him behind us it's clearly working
Dal- just give it some time ok
L- ookk
Dav- since we already have you out of your element are you up for drinking too
L- as long as it's something where I won't actually taste the alcohol then sure
Dav- haha ok
He walked away and soon returned with a can Smirnoff for me a beer for him and Dalton but cole never returned which made me sigh but I didn't let it ruin my night. As the night went on a few times I was pulled away from the guys due to a few guys wanting to talk to me and dance with me but that's all I did with them which led to me going back to the guys drinking more
Dal- maybe it's a good thing you're going to stay with one of us cause girl you're drunk
L- no I'm not
G- ok maybe not drunk but you're definitely buzzed and heading that way
L- that's probably true
We all laughed and soon enough the guys all had someone and another guy called me over but once they discovered it wasn't going anywhere and we parted ways I went to the kitchen to see cole in there all alone. I thought about talking to him but I decided to just grab another drink and be on my way but he stopped me
C- since when do you drink since when do you dress like this since when do you live your life without me
L- since about the same time you stopped caring about me
C- you think I don't care about you anymore
L- well that's what it seems like lately you yell at me you make me cry and then nothing
C- trust me I've been in hell ever since I still can't believe I treated you that way I'm the one who is supposed to take care of you and comfort you when you cry not cause it
L- well apparently things change
C- don't act like you're not as upset by it all as I am
L- I'm not acting
C- well you're not acting like yourself either
L- meaning
C- the drinking the outfit the dancing with guys and talking to them
L- what have you been watching me all night or something
C- yes yes I have cause I need to protect you I need to make sure no man in here thinks they're going to do anything to you
L- what if I want them to
C- it still won't happen
L- why not
C- because there's only one guy in this place that deserves your touch and as of right now it's not going to happen
L- I don't even know what that's supposed to mean
C- good
I rolled my eyes and drank more and more as the night went on. By now I was fucked up and Cole was drunk too but not as bad and the rest of the guys I had no clue about
L- coleeeee
C- hmm
L- I'm supposed to stay with one of the guys since it's so late but I don't know where any of them are so it looks like you're stuck with me
C- then let's get you out of here before you get more fucked up
L- hehe ok
He grabbed my hand and lead us out to his car and we headed to his house and it appeared his parents weren't home which I found odd but we went inside more and he helped me up to his room and I immediately fell on his bed
C- comfy
L- no
C- you sure cause you look comfy
L- gimme clothes to change into I can't with this dress anymore
C- haha ok
He tossed me a shirt and his old sweats that I've worn many times before and out of instinct I just went to change it wasn't until the dress was off and the cold air hit that I managed to sober up in that moment long enough to remember I don't have a bra on and before I could think to grab the shirt of start hiding cole was almost drooling looking at my chest and in the midst of me looking around to avoid the gaze I noticed his noticeable tent in his pants and I don't know if it's the liquor the look he's giving me or from reading to much dirty books lately but I kissed him and it was over from there his hands immediately went to my bare chest and god it felt so good. I don't know how far this is going to go or where we will stand in the morning but I'm going to make this count as it's my only chance to touch his perfect body!

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