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Coles pov

The moment I saw her walk in wearing that dress I knew I was done for. I don't know what David and daltons plan was when making her wear that dress but I didn't like seeing all those guys coming on to her all night long I didn't like how she was grinding on them as they danced I really didn't like it when I noticed her dress rise up every time she danced like that so I was happy when she was getting tired I was really happy to know the guys were all off with someone meaning she would come home with me I would know she's safe and I would be able to talk to her in the morning when we're both sober to fix everything so I wasn't expecting what happened to happen. When she took the dress off I wasn't surprised as we change in front of each other all the time but when I saw she was bra less I was harder than I was all night already and she definitely took notice of that and then when she kissed me I thought I was dreaming . While we didn't sleep together we did do oral stuff and fuck I'll never forget the way she tastes or the way she took all of me down her throat. I guess her reading those books has really taught her some things unless she actually watches porn I don't know . I woke up before her of course so I've just been laying here thinking about everything and well enjoying the view considering after everything we both passed out naked. After a while she started stirring in her sleep and groaning and I watched her hand come up to her head
C- are you ok
L- Nooo
C- are you hungover
L- I don't know maybe
I kissed the top of her head then got out of bed to walk over to my bathroom to get her some Tylenol when I heard her gasp so I turned and she was looking at me
L- why don't you have clothes on
C- because what's the point after what happened last night
L- wait what do you mean with what happened last night
C- you don't remember
L- nooo
C- so you don't have the taste of my cum on your tongue anymore hmm should I have you suck me off again to refresh your memory or should I get between your legs again and let my tongue remind you
She physically gulped and I don't know if doing that made her get a taste again or she put the pieces together but she looked so shy and almost whispered
L- I thought I dreamt that
C- nope babe look down if it was a dream would you be naked too
She looked at herself and got wide eyed
L- I'm sorry cole I was drunk I shouldn't have kissed you
C- don't be sorry it is what it is
L- the guys can't find out about this
C- agreed
And with that I went to grab her the Tylenol like I was going to but I couldn't help but wonder if she thought she dreamt that just how often does she dream about me unless it was just a one time thing her brain not actually believing what we did. I gave her the Tylenol and some water to take it with and as soon as that was done we got dressed and talked about basically everything besides the hook up so I don't know if she just wants to forget it happened or what but if it means we can keep being friends with no problems then I'll let it be. Soon enough she had me take her home leaving the dress in my room since her decoy clothes were in daltons car apparently
L- everything is good with us right there's no problems or weirdness now right
C- right
L- thank goodness
She giggled then said bye and ran inside her house. I know I said we're good and there's no weirdness or anything but I have a feeling I'm going to be proven wrong as my crush on her is even stronger than before !

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