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It's been 4 months since I had Brandon and I'm now back to work and usually my mom watches Brandon at my house but the last couple times she watched him at her house due to my dad needing the car and while the first couple times I was nervous someone would catch her watching him and discover everything but so far so good so I've brushed off the worry and today I decided before picking him up I would go see the guys since I've now lost the baby weight and they told me they would all be at daltons house so I drove over there and as soon as I walked in they all ran over to me capturing me in a group hug
L- well hello to you all too
Dal- girl it's almost been a year since we saw you last how do you expect us to act less than this
L- haha true
G- I still can't believe it's been that long
L- me either
W- how are you doing
L- I'm alright
Dav- you miss him don't you
L- of course I do but you all don't get it I had no choice
G- I say this in the nicest way I can but I'm sick and tired of hearing that answer
L- I get that but
G- but nothing Lauren just tell us what's going on why did you say no why did you run why do you keep lying
L- you think I'm lying
Dav- we all know you well enough we know when you're dodging questions when you won't open up
Dana- did someone put your life in danger if you didn't leave
L- oh my goodness no
Dana- well we're just trying to piece things together since you won't come clean and say it yourself
L- because it's too damn hard that's why i can't go a day without crying my eyes out that I'm without him and I know trust me I know it's my own fault but it's not like he cares considering we went so long without him giving a shit enough to reach out proving he doesn't care anymore
W- well you also blocked him so how would you know that's the case
L- because I would think he wouldn't have waited that long to get the girl he wanted to marry back
W- fair but
Before anyone could say anything else daltons phone went off followed by a gasp and he gave me a weird look
Dal- you were pregnant weren't you
L- guys we've been over this I've answered that question before
Dal- yes and while you lie pictures don't
L- what do you mean
He didn't say anything he just showed us his phone and it was a picture of Brandon sitting in the cart at the store next to my mom
L- where did you get that picture
Dal- Cole sent it I don't know how he got it but like I said you were pregnant that's why you ran
L- yes ok yes I was there are you happy you finally know the truth
Dav- why didn't you say anything
L- because I couldn't ruin his future I couldn't ruin his career
Dana- how would you two having a child together ruin his career considering that was on his list of wants with you
L- yeah but not now not fresh out of school when he first started out with work
W- that may be true as for the timing but you know he would still be just as happy
L- I know but his job is stressful enough as it is I just couldn't add to it all
Dal- so you thought breaking his heart was the easier way to go
L- at the time yes
G- so you do truly love him still
L- of course I do
Dal- if there was no baby would you have said yes when he asked you to marry him
L- most definitely
Dav- what are you going to do now that he knows you guys have a child
L- it doesn't matter because he has no way of getting a hold of me
Dal- except for the fact he knows you're here and he's on his way
L- I gotta get out of here
Guys- Lauren
L- please just I can't do this now but now that you all know you can come over to my place later and meet Brandon as a peace offering ok
Guys- oookk
And with that I ran out of the house and got in my car and drove to my parents house
J- hey sweetie what's wrong
L- cole knows the guys know
J- know what
L- about Brandon mom somehow cole has a picture of him and you at the store was he there or something
J- no I didn't see him or his family or anyone so I don't know how he found out
L- oookk
J- so what's going to happen now
L- I don't know I am trying to figure it out and that's why I left daltons house as soon as he told me cole was on the way to talk to me
J- he will talk to you someway through them now you know that right
L- yes but I got to figure it out and not do it all at once
J- ok I get it
L- thank you for watching Brandon
J- of course
She told me when he napped and ate last and that she just changed him and then I headed home. Once inside I put Brandon in his chair and I made myself some food and sat down trying to think about the mess I'm now in.

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