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Coles pov

It's been 3 months since I graduated and every day I'm on the move nonstop. I have done my best to avoid talking about Lauren at all to anyone because when I talk about her or think about her really I start crying which is embarrassing if you ask me . Today I was off and locked away in my apartment like I do all the time but the guys all came by
G- ok we all gave you time but neither of you have yet to crack and since we can't walk into her place since we don't know where she lives now you get this tactic
C- what do you mean you don't know where she lives now
Dal- she moved like literally the next day after we graduated
C- so she planned to leave me already cause there's no way she found somewhere within one afternoon
Dana- I guess
C- what the fuck so proposal or not she was gone so I didn't just push her too far to freak out and say some nonsense
Dav- afraid not
C- then what what is more to it all if she really still does love me like she says
G- no clue cause she won't tell us anything
C- so you don't know if she actually loves me still
Dal- I'm sure she does
C- that isn't a good enough answer for me
W- have you tried reaching out to her or anything
C- no
G- dude
C- she broke my heart what am I supposed to do
Dal- oh I don't know maybe prove you love her prove why she is the one you want to marry and don't let this go without a fight
C- dude it's just hard I can't think about her without breaking down
W- you're doing good so far
C- cause I'm angry that's why
Dal- maybe it's good that you haven't reached out then
I sighed and I felt the tears start immediately afterwards
C- she said she couldn't ruin my life and there's more than I know but what on earth could it be
Dav- maybe she's pregnant
G- David she would tell him she wouldnt run away from him instead she would be a family we all know this
C- trust me the thought crossed my mind when trying to figure out why but like gabe said that's not something she'd hide
Dav- could she be sick
C- again that's something she would tell us
Dav- then I have no clue
C- join the club dude
I wiped the tears and tried to change the subject and thankfully it worked and for the rest of the day I just hung out with them until they left and I decided to listen and try to reach out so I texted her only for it to come back undelivered meaning she blocked me so I went on Facebook and every social media and I was blocked on it all. How the hell am I supposed to try and fix things and win her back when she blocked any attempt I have?

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