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Lauren's POV

I was in the middle of playing with Brandon when the guys all showed up
Dav- ok I know we all saw the picture and knew he looked like him but in person it's even more extreme
L- oh trust me I'm well aware
W- how are you handling it
L- not well I can tell you that
Dana- then talk to Cole put everything behind you and fix things
L- I'm scared
Dal- in what aspect
L- having that talk with him he's going to be so mad which I don't blame him but still and plus I don't want to know what he may have done in our time apart
G- he hasn't been with anyone
L- really
Guys- really
G- but what about you
L- nope
G- good
Dal- now what if we were to relieve your mom from babysitting duties one day and you and Cole talk
L- I don't know
Dal- fair enough
Dav- can we at least get to become uncles to this little one now
L- haha yes
Guys- yes
I passed Brandon to Dalton first and I watched as he talked to him saying he's uncle Dalton and he's always going to be here for him and one by one all the guys did the same and it made me cry to see
Dal- what's wrong
L- it's just so sweet to watch and I feel guilty for not telling you guys cause I thought if you all found out I would lose you all too
G- why did you think that
L- because Cole's your best friend and I decided to keep his child from him how would you not side with him and forget being friends with me
Dav- girl we love you were not the kind to take sides while yes this was a big secret we get why you did it
I couldn't help it but I cried more so gabe and Dalton helped me through it while the others kept playing with Brandon. Soon enough Brandon fell asleep so I put him in his play pin and talked with the guys some more
W- you should know cole knows we're here
L- I'm guessing he was mad I was gone when he got there
Dana- that he was but he's better now
L- ookk
Dal- ok in all honesty when will you be ok enough to talk to him
L- I really don't know I told you guys I'm scared
G- the longer you wait the harder it will be tho you know that right
L- yes I do
G- so just go for it
Dav- rip the bandaid off
I sighed and grabbed my phone and unblocked him on everything and it didn't take long for many messages to come in from him which made me tear up and smile at the same time
G- see he does still care he does still love you
I just nodded and pulled up the text conversation with him and texted him
L- are you free to talk tomorrow
C- I'm always free for you
We decided to meet at the park cause I didn't want to tell him where I live yet. The guys were all going to stay over this way they can watch Brandon when I leave and because they are happy to have time with me again. Let's just see how it goes tomorrow!

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