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Lauren's POV

I swear being friends with benefits with him does not make things easier! I thought it was a way to be with him in a sense so it should cure things a bit but it doesn't! He's always so dominant so filthy which is just so sexy but then he's always so sweet calling me babe or baby and making sure I'm ok with things like when he took my virginity he checked so many times to make sure it was want I wanted he wanted to make sure I don't regret and I told him I would never regret it and I told him I don't love him that way but honestly I do but how could I tell him that how could I ruin what we have going on as well as the friendship so I kept the truth to myself. Since we were now having full on sex cole was getting more gutsy with everything like we have had sex at school a couple times now he has fingered me in class since our desk is joined together so easy work he's guided my hand to stroke him during lunch a couple times and somehow no one has caught on still. Today he picked me up to take me to school only to park on a side street and have me ride him while he attacked my chest leaving hickeys literally all over both boobs before taking over thrusting in me making me claw at his arms which just made him speed up til I finished then he had me suck him off til he finished this way it wouldn't be as messy in his mind but I don't know about that but I went with it anyways. We then headed to school just as the bell rung so we went our separate ways til 4th period which ironically I have with him and the rest of the guys and that was pe and we were instructed to go by the pool instead of changing and immediately I didn't trust this.
Teacher- we are started our swimming portion of the year and to make sure no one can use the excuse of never having a bathing suit we will be providing them so once you receive yours please go change quickly
C- are we allowed to wear shirts with this or over in the girls case
Teacher- nope
C- oookk
Dav- dude why do you care you never swim with a shirt on
C- it was more out of worry for her I just asked the overall way
Dav- oh ok
We soon all had our suits so they went to their locker room and I went to mine and how they're getting away with this I will never understand considering these bathing suits are all on the skimpy side like pretty cheeky and even those with the tiniest of tits are barely being confined so it was quickly apparent who the sluts were as the just walked out as is and the shy ones at least wrapped a towel around themselves me included as I noticed all the hickeys cole left this morning were on display . I took a deep breath and went back out and met back up with the guys and I noticed cole had his towel draped around him basically covering his back
Dal- is your suit just as skimpy as the rest
L- yup
W- how can they get away with putting you all in that and not allow you to cover up with a shirt
L- no idea but I don't like it
Teacher - ok class please hop in the water
The guys all hoped in and me and Cole moved our towels and his went wide i don't know out of worry seeing all the hickeys in view or cause he liked how I looked but I got in and he did the same and since today was the first day we didn't have as much time so it was a free time so we just hung out some people swam some people played volleyball while others just hung out like we did . The volleyball landed on the other side of us and a couple girls got giggly and asked cole to throw it back to them turning in the process and revealing his back to the group and once he was done and focused on us again David questioned it
Dav- and here we all thought you weren't hooking up with anyone or anything this whole time
Dana- who is it
G- or is it many someone's
C- it's only one person but I'm not saying who
G- since when do you not say
C- since now
W- lame
C- you'll live
We laughed and then Dalton eyed me weirdly which I don't know why cause I didn't act weird during the conversation I didn't give anything away at least I don't think I did . I smiled at him and he just gave a subtle nod and we moved on well until there were multiple squeals from girls as they were all holding their tops and by the time we figured out what was happening I was the next victim as one of the guys in the class was managing to untie the tops of the girls bathing suits and Cole immediately got on the guys case while gabe retied mine for me but it slipped long enough for Dalton to see a hickey
Dalton- excuse me miss is that what I think it was
L- no
Dal- you sure about that
L- yes
Dal- oh really then what is it
L- a birthmark
Dal- uh huh so it just magically showed up one day cause you forget we've been swimming before I've seen you in a bathing suit before that was a little revealing and that wasn't there
C- are you implying you look at her chest
Dal- oh cole buddy didn't realize you were done with the guy
C- answer the question
Dal- ummm
Cole was pissed off I don't know if it's from the guy or actually due to finding out Dalton looks at my chest or from the potential of our secret being out after all this
L- cole it's fine
C- but
L- it's fine now relax
C- oookk
Thankfully after that it was time for us to go change again so the conversation ended at that moment . I went inside and dried off and changed and headed out to meet with the guys only for cole to tell them to go ahead and get food we would meet up in a bit as he needed to talk to me so they walked off and he pulled me back into the girls locker room
L- what are you doing you can't be in here
C- I don't care right now the only thing I care about is shoving this dick down your throat right now
L- cole
C- get on your knees slut
As much as I wanted to be in a more secretive spot like we've been in each time I couldn't tell him no so I got on my knees as he said and I let him fuck my mouth til he was content and in a better mood and it worked but it also made him want more and we basically spent all lunch in there fucking then when we were done we snuck out laughing
C- I'll feed you after school to make up for that
L- you better
C- I will don't worry
We laughed more and went on with the rest of our day well more like attempted to as the last few classes I was getting weird looks from everyone. What the heck is going on?

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