ENDING 1 (happy)

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A/N: at time of writing this Im in tears. I've never finished a long story before, and I've never had this many people here supporting me. If you're here and have read this far thank you so so much you all seriously mean the world to me. Please please please leave any comment short or long so I can thank you. I love you all, I'm so glad you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it. I hope this ending does you all justice, stay tuned for the other two.

This one goes out to all the readers who've been here since the beginning and have convinced me to keep writing. 

Will POV

The next morning I wake up and everything is the same as yesterday.

I can't say if that's a good or bad thing anymore, but it's comforting.

I know I can wake up everyday and Nico will be knocking on my door soon to check on me.

I know I can go downstairs and Jules will be yelling at me to help him with breakfast.

I know Dusty will be running into the kitchen screaming the power rangers theme song.

It's nice to know things, to not worry about rent or work.

It's nice to know I'm needed even if it's a bit messed up.

There's a soft knock on the door.

A slow smile spreads across my face and I leap over to the door.

It opens and Nico smiles up at me.

"Morning, Sunshine."

"Morning, Mosquito."

He furrows his brows.

"Mosquito? Really?"

He frowns and I laugh lightly.

"Yeah, you're both small and suck blood."

He rolls his eyes.

"I should have sucked you dry."

I feel myself freeze up.

My gaze turns down towards my feet.

It's clearly a joke, but it hits a bit harder than intended.


I glance up at my boyfriend.

He puts his hand through my hair gently.

"Talk about it or move on?" He whispers.

A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth.

With a shake of my head I lean down and kiss the vampire.

"I'm okay, I know you wouldn't do that to me."

He stares at me solemnly.

"Of course not. Never."

Nico wraps his arms around me tightly, and I do the same.

"I love you." The vampire whispers the words into my ear as though they're a secret nobody else should know.

A thought that's been weighing on my mind for awhile pops back into my head.


He makes a noise of acknowledgment and looks up at me.

"If you were to turn me, you would still be able to feed off me right? Since vampires can feed off those they turn?"

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