Sad Ending (I hope)

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AN: Writing sad stuff is scary 😞 but this made me cry s while writing it so hopefully it's good enough. No clue if anyone is still reading this, but story the distance between endings is so far apart I've been distracted. Only one left to go ❤️



Will POV (again sorry)

Somehow time pasted both too slowly and too quickly.

A couple weeks turned into a couple months and then something changed.

I started to feel sour, angry. Not at anything in particular, just constantly frustrated.

It hasn't stopped.

Nico knocks on my door gently, it's later than he used to wake me up. He's trying to be gentle with me, worried to upset my fragile mood.

"Come in"

I love him, I certainly forget sometimes, when my mind gets filled with anger and spite, but I do still love him.

Nico walks into my room warily, I shoot him a gentle smile and the tension vanished from his posture. He takes a seat next to me immediately stroking my hair.

"How are you feeling, Will?"

I resist the urge to frown at his wording. He treats my mood swings like some kind of sickness, he doesn't want to admit that he's clearly the cause.

I take a breath and answer him, laying down on his shoulder.

"I...don't think I want to be here anymore."

Nico chokes, he holds me tight to his chest as though worried I'm going to vanish.

"What do you mean? I-In this room? We can switch your room, or you can sleep in my room, or we could build you a new one or..."

I shake my head cutting his semi delusional panicking off.

"I mean in the mansion at all."

I whisper, my voice breaking half way through, I'd been thinking the words for a while but saying them to Nico is another beast entirely.

"Why? What did I do wrong? I can fix it! If you don't want me to feed on you anymore I can find a different way to feed, or is Dusty the problem? We can find someplace else for him. If it's Jules-Alberts I'll talk to him, he can be teasing sometimes but he means no real harm. Please, Will, I'll fix it."

I frown. I wanted this to be relaxed and peaceful but I'm already getting upset.

"It's not any of that. I'm just tired of being locked away like some prized jewel. I'm a person, Nico. People need to talk to others and go outside and live lives. I can't exist like this anymore."

He pulls away from the embrace and pushes me against the head of the bed, not hard enough to hurt but it's certainly not gentle.

Nico speaks, his voice breaking every few words.

"Will. You can't leave. This is your home, you belong here, with me. I'm sorry if you feel trapped but really you should know better than to try this nonsense again. You are always welcome to go outside, and if Jules sedates you a bit I'm more than willing to drive you around, but you can't just abandon me."

He's scared, It's written in every cell of his body. He's holding me against the wall but he's trembling while doing so, he's on the edge of snapping.

" Are you even listening, Nico? That's not what I need! I need to be back in the city with normal people and do normal things and work on my life, I can't just be an accessory anymore. I thought I could because of how I feel about you, Nico, but I've just been getting more and more depressed and frustrated."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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