xvi ; stupid

66 11 5

sorry for the lack of updates and delay, i had a dance comp this weekend but you know i got the highest score of the whole weekend 😇😇



The booming cheers from the Gryffindor students shook the old, wooden stands aggressively, making me wonder why I let Ron and Hermione drag me to the top of the death trap in the first place.

Standing hundreds of feet in the air was never something I wanted to do, but since I wasn't promised galleons afterwards, it felt like murder.

In any other circumstances, I would've decided to cheer on Fred and George, but shortly into my identity crisis, I realized just how long they've had the map. I figured they found the peculiarity in my name, and asked their parents and were given some sort of hush money. While I was particularly angry with them, it was no contest to what I was feeling towards the stupid boy, flying on his new broom several feet too close to the stands.

His close flying caused Gryffindor to erupt into supportive cheers again, and I clung onto Hermione's shoulder. As the creaky wood shook beneath me, I felt like I was going to be sick to my stomach. I thought, maybe, I could go to Professor Lupin's office and hide there. I could finally ask him if he knew the woman I had seen in Trelawney's crystal ball.

"I'm going back to my dorm!" I yelled to her over the cheers, and before I could try and swim through the sea of red that was the Gryffindor students, Ron grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back.

"Don't you want to see Malfoy lose- NO, YOU BLOODY WANKER!" He suddenly screamed, his attention going back to the game in an instant. The whole crowd began to boo up to the sky, and lo and behold, Draco had taken a grip onto Harry's broom and slowed him down.

"Penalty! Penalty to Gryffindor!" Madam Hooch yelled, blowing her whistle ferociously. "I've never seen such tactics!"

"You cheating scum!" Lee Jordan snapped into his microphone, his voice echoing all throughout the stadium. "You filthy, cheating bitch!"

Alicia Spinnet took Gryffindor's penalty, but she was so angry that she missed the hoop. A collective tired groan flooded through the crowd of Gryffindor's, while the Slytherin's all cheered menacingly.

Harry and Draco were now so close that their brooms were knocking into each other, and they were shouting incoherently at the other.

"Angelina Johnson gets the quaffle! Come on, Angelina! COME ON!" Lee Jordan announced, and all eyes left the two seekers, including theirs.

Harry abandoned Draco, and shot towards the gang of Slytherin's that were moving closer to Angelina. At the sight of him, all of them scattered and Angelina threw the quaffle with a clear view.

"SHE SCORES! Gryffindor leads by eighty to twenty!"

I found my eye lingering on Harry for too long, and I quickly moved it to the opposite end of the field. There I saw Draco diving towards the ground, his face determined and confident as he stretched out his arm.

"Go Harry!" Hermione screamed from beside me, and I watched Harry lean forward on his broom to gain speed. He bolted across the field faster than I had ever seen a broom go. Every bone in my body wanted to stop watching him and leave, but I couldn't. Every ounce of my focus was drawn to him, whether I wanted it to be, or not.

Both of his hands let go of the Firebolt, and he practically threw himself off of it. Suddenly, his broom shot up, and his hand went in the air. In his fingers, was the small golden ball.

The stands erupted into frantic and erratic cheering, the Gryffindor flags flying proudly above our heads. For once, I joined in. I didn't care about Quidditch, nor the people playing it, but I had so much house spirit in that moment that I didn't really care.

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