xi ; the owlery

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  "Hermione." I managed to stutter out as I re-entered the common room to see her and Ron bickering over the S.P.E.W badges.

"Did you calm him down?" She asked, holding a hand up to Ron, who began to pout like a toddler.

"Hermionecanipleasetalktoyou?" I spat out in a single breath. She stared at me for a moment in confusion, then quickly began to clean up her work. She scooped up my work as well, and began to walk up the stairs with me to our dormitory.

"What's going on?" She asked, quieting her voice so that Ron wouldn't be able to hear from the common room.

"Er... I think Harry tried to kiss me."

"WHAT?" Hermione yelled as she dropped my work and her S.P.E.W box onto the floor, making a loud 'boom.'

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Ron yelled from the bottom of our staircase, and Hermione and I quickly began to pick up the things on the floor.

"Nothing, Ron, stop being nosy!" I called back, and was met with a groan, then silence.

Hermione pushed open the door to our dormitory, where Lavender and Parvati were chattering excitedly about Professor Trelawney. "What did you say to me?" Hermione asked, dropping the badges on her bed as if she hadn't heard me the first time.

"I think Harry tried to kiss me." I repeated, and now Parvati and Lavender were silent, both of them staring at me with wide eyes.

"Tried?" Hermione scoffed, grabbing me by the shoulders. "You stopped him?!"

"I was scared!" I tried to reason, and she shook me aggressively.

"How long have you fancied him?" She asked as she watched me in disbelief. "You've fancied that boy since first year, and now he tries to kiss you and you stop him?!"

"I didn't know if he actually was going to, I didn't want to get the wrong idea or anything! Imagine if I kissed him and he didn't fancy me!" I groaned, pushing Hermione off of me as I fell backwards onto my bed.

"Jove, are you blind?" Hermione laughed, sitting next to me. "All Harry ever does it either talk about you, talk to you or quite frankly, just stare at you. I bet he's moaning to Ron about how you rejected him, right now."


"I'm an idiot." I moaned, throwing the door shut behind Ron after he walked in.

"Mate, what happened?" He asked, sitting on his bed and pulling off his shoes.

"I'm a bloody tosser, that's what." I said, kicking my trunk as I walked past it.

"You got that right." Seamus joked from his bed, earning a few snickers from Neville and Dean.

"Shove off, Finnegan." I muttered, falling backwards onto my bed, my hands covering my face.

"Harry, what the bloody hell happened?" Ron asked, pulling the curtains off my bed open.

"I... I can't even say it out loud." I groaned, pulling the pillow from behind my face and shoving it onto my face. Maybe it would kill me before I had to see her again.

Ron ripped the pillow out of my hands and hit me with it. "Oi! Stop being a git, and spit it out!"

"I nearly kissed Jupiter, and she stopped me." I blurted, feeling my face flush scarlet with just the memory. I didn't know what had come over me. Whether it was the distance, the quiet, the way she was looking at me, or just everything about her that pulled me in.

"It's about time- wait, nearly?" Ron gawked. He stood in front of my bed, his mouth open as he stared at me. "What do you mean 'nearly'?"

"I was going to, but I think she knew and she said 'we should get some sleep.'" I said, propping myself up with my elbows.

Jupiter | Harry James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now