Give or Take

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Phayu gave a nod and shook his hand. It was clear that this two had some similarities but they both just ignored it. Phayu observed him closely and noticed the birthmark on his neck. Phayu had a similar looking one on his lower back. He just had to take it as a coincidence as there was no better explanation for all their similarities. He had a mission and he was going to fulfil it to the latter.
Phayu shook his hand and gave a cheeky smile. Saifha Thanapob felt on top of the world. He noticed that he was not the only one who desired him as he saw hungry and angry eyes from both women and men alike but he was chosen. He nodded his head like a winner and invited Phayu to sit and have a drink with him which Phayu obliged instantly accepted. They got to the VIP section and got talking. It was just a regular conversation but they both noticed that it was quite comforting for the both of them.
Rain paced back and forth in the room. He bit his fingers and was getting really eager and terrified. The only person he could call was Sky he picked up his phone to call him but changed his mind last minute and decided to visit him instead. He got in his car and drove off. On getting to the penthouse he called in and was let in
He sat on the couch immediately he got to the house. Sky took some time before he came out because he was showering. When he got to the sitting room and saw Rain. He instantly knew something was wrong. He slowly walked up to him and asked
" What a surprise hope you're good." The thought of calling Phayu to abort the mission continuously rang in his ears but he took a rain check and changed his mind. Rain stood up palms clasped and was pacing about before he spoke
" I fucked up Sky, big time and I don't think Phayu would forgive me. I don't even think I can forgive myself." Sky walked up to him and held his hand
" Talk to me, I don't know what the matter is  but I'm sure I can help."
"I.... I... I instigated killers because I was angry at him and I tried to call them off but it was not possible."
"You what?"
" The day you were at the hospital when Gun and P'Phayu left the hospital. It was because of me. I called Mr Taytie and told him how dissatisfied I was with him and he promised to take care of it."
" YOU SOLD PHAYU OUT BECAUSE OF YOUR DISSATISFACTION?". Sky screamed from across the room, his hands in a fist. He was fuming. The only thing he wanted to do was kick Rain out, but he relaxed.
" I need you to calm down." Prapai said from across the room. He faced Rain. There were no words just utter disbelief at what he did. It would be really difficult to forgive this and especially Pai who expected better from Rain since they were friends and all. Pai turned and went upstairs leaving Sky and Rain in the same room. He was not expecting them to fight but talk.
" How can you be so stupid and inconsiderate? You knew he couldn't cheat on you, he didn't even have it in his DNA, and your best line of action was to try to kill him."
" I really wasn't thinking. I didn't come here for you to scold me further, if I needed that, I would have met Phayu. I need your help because I know he listens to you." Sky scoffed
" I thought you wanted us to be together and live happily together. "
" I was wrong."
" Did you tell all this to Phayu?" Sky's voice softened. He felt like he was arguing with a child that didn't know any better and he sounded so harsh so he changed his tone. Rain's voice was calm and quite confused
" So what do you intend doing?
" I plan on asking you to beg Phayu for me, he listens to you and maybe he'll understand."
" I don't think so, the fact you think like this is already not okay. He'll listen to you too. You're in a relationship, remember."
" I don't think we'll still be in one when he gets back...."
" Phayu is not that kind of person and he obviously loves you. His anger is justified though. So just be patient and wait for him to get back."  A smile flashed across Rain's face.
" In another life, I hope we were friends. We genuinely look like we could have been good friends."
" Rain, don't push your luck."
" Sorry..hahahaha... I'll return home now, I'll wait for him to get back."
" Do you have a driver?"
" Awww.. you care about me... Yes...yes I do."
" Get lost, I'll call you tomorrow to check up on you."
" Okay." Rain felt relief. He felt the urge to hug Sky but restrained himself. They still had a lot to unfold before they could comfortable be okay with each other. He got into his car and had a thought. They were both dating each other's friends so maybe they might end up as friends.

Back at the bar, Saifha had his hand wrapped around Phayu. Phayu kept giving him one drink after another. He had a high tolerance so he wasn't going to get drunk easily. When he noticed he has given him the right amount that would get him talking. He started off easy
" Do you find me attractive?"
" Yes I do, I don't go for the guys below average, you're good looking. Just yesterday I almost got the most prettiest man I ever saw, but he came in with someone so I just let him be."
" You let him be, I heard that you came back asking for anyone who knew him."
" Yes, someone like that is supposed to be privileged to be with someone like me. I want you but you're giving me attitude. I know you won't do that to me." He placed his hands on Phayu's thighs. Phayu looked at him closely.
" We kinda look familiar."
" Ya we do but the only family member I had, I sold him off so he'll be long gone by now." That hit home. Phayu stood up and moved back a bit. He was drunk and was spewing a lot of things but this felt like it wasn't far fetched. Phayu heaved and sat back.
" What did you say?"
" I sold my brother a long time ago. So I could be the only one to inherit things. I don't regret it one bit. My family still looks for him but he's long gone." This time Phayu got up and started walking. He could hear his name being called faintly in the background but he didn't stop. He just kept on going. He got to an alley picked up his phone and called Rain.
" Hello, P'Phayu, I'm really..."
" Teerak, come pick me up..."
" P'Phayu, are you okay?" Phayu sniffled and said " No, I'm not."

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