The Ravaging Viking Vs. The Hunter. 3. Emen Elis

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Björn was slowly walking through the forest.
"COME OUT OF HIDING!" Björn roared. He then looked up as he heard the sound of howls. He looked to see an army of fifteen Mastiff dogs charge at him. 
"Dogs? You have seen what I can do you and fetch dogs on me! WHAT AN-" He threw his hand forward, grabbing the Mastiff by the head and cracking it into pieces.
"INSULT!" He threw the cadaver of the dog to the side and then kicked another one. One of them leaped at him and bit into his skin, but he just roared and swung it off him. He turned around to punch another and then grabbed another to use as a makeshift weapon on another one leaping at him. 
"Child's play!" He threw his fist into the air and fully powered it into the ground.
"TORDENSKRALD!" He roared as you heard the sound of a thunderclap once more, breaking the ground apart, and cutting all of the dogs around him with rocks. 
"YOU ARE NOTHING!" He roared as the dogs started to retreat again. He looked at them with triumph.
"YES, FLEE BACK TO YOUR MASTER!" He roared. He then looked at the corpse of the first one he cracked the skull of. It glowed up in a greenish glow before the head healed and it ran off again.
"What?" Björn looked up.
"IF they can regenerate why are they running?" He then heard a soft cackle.
"Too late." He heard a voice from the forest.
"Emen Elis!" He heard the Hunter shout. You heard the sound of something powering up and the forest was for, but a moment lighted up by a small blue light before you heard the sound of a massive gunshot. The forest blew apart as Björn was sent flying through the forest, hitting himself through trees and against rocks, tumbling through the landscape before he landed on the shores of the island. He bounced off the ground falling into the ocean. 

"What power!" Crisiff shouted.
"It's coming right for us!" Lang shouted. They looked on their radar to see a fast-moving projectile coming right for the platform.
"EVACUATE!" Lang shouted.

"Calm down," Pandora said as the flock of butterflies flew past Lang and combined into a small form.

The girl was around one hundred and sixty-two centimeters tall. White hair swaying in the moonlight. It was shorts but she had long bangs, dangling down in front of her face, covering two red and purplish eyes. On the side of her head rested a Kitsune mask. She was wearing a purple haori with a white cloud motif going all around it and a singular red butterfly on the back. It was closed around a black shirt with a red butterfly motif on it. She was wearing shorts going just past her knees. She was wearing a pair of Setta sandals with her feet free without socks. She walked over to the edge of the platform.

"Nyxium!" She shouted.
"What is cooking, lil looking?" The Kitsune mask's eyes started to glow powerfully. 
"Let's just say that if that thing hit us. We gonna be kinda screwed and I can't entertain you on the island. So could you do me a flavor and just help me out here?" 
"Oh, that would be a bit of a problem...Sure." The Mask's eyes glowed powerfully as red mist erupted from the eyes covering Pandora.
"Hihihihihihihihihi!" She giggled manically, pointing her hand toward the ocean.
"Stand down." A hand touched her shoulder and she looked up. 
"Huh?" The mist evaporated into nothing.

The man next to her stood tall. Black hair set into a ponytail. There was a few gray hairs in between all the black hair. A bit of stubble on his cheeks and chin and drowsy almost tired eyes. He was wearing a hakama uniform with a hakama skirt and top. He had a giant bow on his back and a quiver of arrows resting on his right upper arm. He grabbed his katana, holding it in both hands in a simple form. He was wearing Setta sandals like Pandora. he was wearing a shoulder guard metal plate on his right shoulder. His Hakara was purple with black lines going over it. The band around his stomach was red though. 

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