The Technomancer Vs. The Virtuoso 3. In the Listener's cave.

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"Fuck..." Kali stumbled down the stairs. There wasn't any light at all. So her only solace was the traceable walls. The walls started out as wooden and smooth but soon became crooked and rocky. 
"It is a cave after all." She said as she soon hit the last step of the staircase and the sound of her footsteps echoed over the halls. In front of her was a long shallow corridor of rocks and darkness. 
"It's pitch black down here," Kali said as she grabbed a small battery.
"Planned 100 volt light." She said as she slowly let the battery glow up in a yellow light, working as a torch as she walked through the narrow hall. 
"Hello?" A voice erupted suddenly behind Kali. Kali spun around only to see nothing. She slowly backed off. 
"Wait...the stairs?" She blinked as she saw that the other end now was just a pure narrow hallway too.
"What is this?" Kali thought as she walked a few steps forward, trying to reach the stairs again.
"Hello?" This time the voice was very close. Like it was right next to her ear. A faint whisper. Kali spun around, throwing a punch only to hit the air. 
"This is weird..." Kali thought as she walked into the darkness once again.
"Is it you, sir?" The voice this time was behind her again. She didn't even take the time to spin around. She just kept walking.
"Are you here to visit? I haven't heard your voice one ages..." The voice was female. It was somber...melancholy...scared.
"Who is this girl?" Kali asked as she stepped into the darkness further.
"Wait? You aren't Master. Your steps are too light. Master's steps are always confident and heavy...yours are cautious." The voice sounded like it came from the front now. Kali reached into the darkness and soon she came to a giant opening. It was a rectangular room with two halls on the right and two halls on the left and one in front of her. Five halls in total. 
"And that means-" The voice then turned very cold.

"You are an intruder!" The voice erupted in a roar. The whole cave shook and then-
"AH!" Kali felt a stinging pain in her leg as a spike erupted from the floor, piercing her thigh.
"F-fuck." Kali pulled the leg free and then took two steps back.
"Who are you?!" The voice roared as spikes shot out from the roof and floor at her. 
"I need to do something." Kali thought as she grabbed her satchel and pulled out something.
"Planned 40000 volt. Stun whip!" She pulled out a stun gun and it glowed up. The electricity shot out like a whip-like plasma. She spun it around, cutting the rocks in half and using it like a lightsaber. 
"The hall is a bit too narrow. Gotta get going." She ran down the first hallway she came closest to. Which in this perspective would have been the first on her left. She ran down the endless rocky formation.
"Where could she be?" Kali thought as she charged.
"Master don't like unwanted VISITORS!" The female roared as spikes came from both sides. Shooting out from the walls, roof, and floor, slowly closing her in a pincer attacker.
"Shit!" Kali said as she grabbed her flashlight.
"Planned 1000000 volt. BEAM!" She shouted as she pressed the switch. The whole cave erupted in a flash of light as the beam from the flashlight melted the rocks. The flashlight broke apart right after. Kali charged through the melted rocks and hurried toward the main hall. The thing that confused her was she came out of the right hall furthest from where she entered.
"W-what?" She looked around.
"That can't be right?" Kali looked around for any hints. She grabbed the glowing battery and poured more volts into it, making it glow brightly illuminating the whole room. There was some writing on the roof.
"In the halls of the listener." Kali read out. 
"THERE." A voice erupted once again as spikes flew out from the walls and ground trying to hit her. Kali quickly spun around, whipping the melted rock, and landing on the ground with a thump.
"MASTER GAVE ME THIS ECHO!" The monster roared. A giant spike erupted behind her in a speed faster than before, impaling her from behind.
"AH!" She gasped in pain as she pulled herself free and quickly jumped up, clinging to the wall.
"You are hiding, HIDING!" The voice screamed. Spikes erupted in a spiral from the ground, moving up the wall and then toward her.
"Where is she?" Kali thought as she jumped off the wall, doing the spikes. The moment she landed on the ground a spike shot up from the ground, impaling through her leg, and coming out of her knee.
"AH!" Kali screamed. The spike had gone all the way up. So she couldn't just pull herself free. She gritted her teeth and swung the plasma whip down, burning the root of the spike. She stumbled backward and sat up against the wall, going to grab the spike at the foot and pull it out.
"AHHH." Kali screamed in pain as she finally pulled it fully out. Kali took deep breaths as blood leaked from her leg.
"Wait...why didn't she continue her attack?" Kali thought as she looked around. Then she realized it. She looked down to see that where the blood dripped small spikes came out of the ground.

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