The Unyielding Vs. The Horror 1. THAT IS WHO I AM!

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A figure was running through the halls on his lonesome. 
"I guess this must be the western wing." He said. He stopped up. There was complete silence.
"Well, the others have scattered over the prison for now." The man walked forward. He stepped into the western wing and instantly his guard was up.
"My senses are rattled...What is this presence?!" He shouted to himself. He kept walking forward, slow and steady steps. The walls were tinted with purple liquid and blood. You could see the limbs of inmates and guards alike align the halls. 
"The Horror indeed. This seems like a horror movie." The man looked around a corner. A screeching sound could be heard further into the wing. 
"What is that sound?" He walked slowly and the further he got inside. The more the stench of blood and gore could be smelled.
"Disgusting." He mumbled, rejecting the urge to hurl. He stepped on the ground, allowing a splash sound to echo down the hall. The moment the splash was hurt, the screeching stopped. He looked down to see a pool of blood.
"W-what the?" He looked down the hall to see almost a pool of blood. Many fresh corpses lying all around him. 
"Disgusting." He walked forward and then he saw it. At the end of the hall flickered a light. A single lantern in the distance. You could hear it creaking. 
"Dear me." He said as he walked through the small pool of blood. He suddenly heard footsteps. He looked around to see a rat running through the blood, splashing the water. 
"Just a rat." He turned around to see the light gone now.
"Where did it-?" He then felt it. A pure feeling of blood lust. He looked up to see the lantern dangle next to his face.
"Hello." A voice rang out behind him. You heard the sound of screeching as metal was cut against the metal ground. The man turned around at the last second, blocking the incoming scythe blade with his foot, stomping the flat side to the ground before jumping away.

He looked behind him to see the light gone. 
"He knows I'm here." The man said. He brushed his hand against his side, moving both fists up in a fighting stance.
"Whoo" The voice was rusty. Like rusty metal getting grinded against metal. It was almost like the feeling of shivers and cold sweat in audio format. 
"I am here to vanquish you, BEAST!" The man shouted. Quick movement echoed across the bloody floor. He turned around to face the sound of it. There was nothing to see. 
"I...sensseeee...Vitality....courage..." The voice echoed. Suddenly you heard the sound of creaking again as the scythe was thrown through the air. The man grabbed it by the pole and pulled on it. The scythe turned into black liquid and fell to the ground.
"What's this?" The man looked at his hand. The liquid had vanished.
"" The creature appeared in front of him, lunging at him.
"Amber!" The man shouted and slammed his fist forward. A golden glow erupted from his shoulder down through his arm and to his fist, exploding in a powerful shockwave, sending the creature flying back, crashing against the ground. The creature's form tumbled to the ground, breaking into broken metal and sticks. The light glow erupted so hard that all the lanterns on the walls creaked and lit up. Revealing the man in the process. 

The man had brown hair in a professional contour hairstyle. he was wearing a pure red ascot with a white shirt and a gray jacket over it. The shirt was buttoned up nicely, making sure the ascot was fastened to his chest, and the gray jacket was tooned fine with sleeves rolled up slightly. He was wearing white gloves. He was wearing a set of brown pants with a bit loose sleeves around the end of the feet and patent-leather shoes. His eyes were a nice amber color and he had a handlebar moustache. It seemed like he was in his mid-forties 

"Powerful...nothing like...guards." The creature said. You heard creaking as the light kept moving around the man. A silhouette suddenly appeared the end of the hall. 
"Are you done, walking around in the shadows?" The man asked, keeping his fists raised in the air.

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