The Unyielding Vs. The Horror final. Unyielding courage.

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Llywelyn felt a sharp pain across his chest.
"It's like back then." He thought as he lay there, feeling the liquid leak out over his bare chest. 
"My wounds won't heal anymore. I truly lost all my courage." He thought as he could only see darkness. 

"Still breathing." The Horror spun his scythe around and then slammed it down into Llywelyn's stomach, piercing it.

"The hurts so much..." Llywelyn thought as he felt the darkness come closer and closer. Slowly consuming his body. 
"It's finally time...I've waited many years for this. I kept up my promise as far as I could Amber, but it's finally time for me to join you on the other side." He mumbled.

"What are you mumbling for?" The Horror asked annoyed. He pulled the scythe out, throwing Llywelyn across the floor, and slamming him into the wall.
"We finally got our answer. Between your courage and my fear. I WILL ALWAYS WIN!" The Horror swung his scythe at him again.

"I thought I would be more scared at this moment." Llywelyn thought as he felt pains erupt in all his muscles. 
"But there is a certain...anticipation." He thought.

"Now die!" The Horror roared, slamming the scythe into Llywelyn's throat. 

"There..." Llywelyn thought as his legs began to vanish into the darkness.
"I can't hold on anymore. I will finally allow the darkness to claim my body." His arms began to vanish into the void as he looked up. He could see a small amber flame levitate in front of his eyes.
"What's this?" He thought. The body began to slowly vanish as he looked at the flame.
"You can't come back now. Haven't I done enough, Amber?" He thought. The flame levitated over and softly touched his nose.
"You can't demand anymore. I'm tired. I've tried so hard. Let me at least join you already! I kept my promise!" He thought. The flame began to expand into an arm, softly touching his cheek.
"What?" He thought. His neck had vanished now and his face was slowly creeping in, vanishing so only his one eye was left.
"What are you trying to tell me?" He thought the hand slowly moved back and the flame erupted brightly in front of his eye, turning into a silhouette of amber. She was smiling.
"Did you keep your promise?" Her voice echoed in his mind. He looked at her and then he sighed internally.
"Did I?" He asked himself. 
"Better myself check. Live on check." He thought and then broke into laughter.
"You mean that, huh? Yea, I guess I didn't fully keep my promise." He thought as he looked at her.
"Yea. You still only live for my sake and not your own..." She said. He laughed.
"So no giving up yet. I will welcome you with open arms the day you can proudly proclaim you lived YOUR full life...Not mine." She said with a laugh. Llywelyn closed his eye.
"Understood...Then let's give it one last go." He thought 

His eye snapped open as the flame silhouette of Amber erupted into a bright flame, flying toward the eye, building his body again fully out of flame. 

The horror turned around to look at Llywelyn's body. 
"Burn..." Llywleyn whispered as he stomped the ground. All of his wounds healing more and more. He stood up straight, looking down at The Horror.
"Amber-" He said all the scars erupted in amber flames. The flames burned into his skin and slowly healed all the scars on his body. All the scars slowly vanish as he softly rolls his hand into a knuckle.
"forgiveness." He said as the flame vanished. 
"What's this? You are still alive. I thought I killed you already." The Horror said, walking toward him, holding his scythe tightly.
"Every flame in this world will one day be put out. I guess mine have but embers left." He said as he walked toward The Horror.
"What poetic bullshit is it you're spewing now?" The Horror asked, leaning down, preparing his scythe.
"Meaning. That even my immortality has its limits and it seems I have reached it." He said as he rolled his hand into a fist, moving them up. 
"So what you're saying is that you are nothing but mortal now?!" He screamed in amusement. 
"That is correct. I can't repair myself anymore. Seemingly it takes a lot of one ability to bring someone back from death." Llywelyn said. 
"Well. That is funny. Seems like you will be an easy kill then!" He ran forward, preparing his scythe. he swung it with all his force, but Llywelyn caught it by the pole.
"No, it won't be that easy. Because I learned something valuable in death. Nothing is more scary than a certain someone's disapproval." He said pushing the scythe back, spinning around, and kicking The Horror back. 
"And even if my flame is but embers. Those embers can still burn. So I will put everything into this last fight. EITHER YOU KILL ME, OCTAVIAS, OR YOU WILL DIE!"  Llywelyn slammed his fist into his own palm and charged forward.
"Pathetic!" The Horror shouted, swinging his scythe. Llywelyn dodged low, grabbing the pole and pulling on it, making the Horror stumble forward. He slammed his forehead into the kid's face and then kicked him. He lost the grip of his scythe, which Llywelyn took the chance to throw it away. He ran forward, punching The Horror a few times. Every time The Horror stumbled back. Llywelyn grabbed him by the arm, pulling him into melee range again.
"If there is one thing you should know about me, kid." He said as he placed a good right hook straight to the kid's cheek, sending him flying.
"That is that I've always been quite good at a fist brawl." He ran forward. The HOrror moved his hand forward as the scythe came flying toward him. Llywelyn jumped over it, using the momentum to keep running toward The Horror.
"You are nothing but a passing flame!" The Horror shouted.
"I don't care-" He said, punching the kid again.
"What you have to say. I will either die now or take you down!" He roared as he kneed the kid in the chest and then grabbed his arm, throwing him over his shoulder into the ground. The kid bounced off the ground. 
"DIE!" The Horror shouted, moving his fingers. The scarecrow came flying from the side, swinging its arm. The arm slammed into Llywelyn's back, allowing the nails to dig deeply into his skin.
"You think, THAT HURTS?!" He roared as he took a step forward, allowing the nails to cut into his skin and forcefully be pulled out. The Horror stumbled back.
"What are you even doing? Do you have no-" The Kid didn't even get to finish his sentence before he was punched again and sent flying.
"SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!" Llywelyn shouted as he ran forward.
"You can say nothing to change my mind. IT'S YOU OR ME!" He roared. The kid swung the scythe. Llywelyn moved to the side and was slightly graced by it. The blood leaked to the floor, but he kept moving forward, kicking the kid, grabbing him by the hair, and pulling him back before he kneed him in his chin. The kid stumbled back only to take a right hook to his face. He tried to regain his footing only to get jabbed twice in the chest and then a uppercut to his chin, sending him flying up, but he didn't get far away before Llywelyn grabbed him by the hair and pulled him into the ground, slamming him hard. 
"Come on then. Didn't ya wanna make me scared!" He roared. The Horror moved his hand as the scarecrow came flying again. Llywelyn didn't even try to dodge as the scarecrow swung its arm at him again and again, allowing him to take a stab wound after a stab to his back.
"You think that hurts?!" He grabbed the kid throwing him into the scarecrow, making them both fly back. The Horror barely regained his footing before he was drop-kicked by Llywelyn. 
"There is no way...your brute force can kill me!" The horror shouted as he moved his hand into the air. The scarecrow began to bubble and then exploded into a large amount of hay. The hay expanded all over the corridor, breaking down the hall. The building began to collapse on the west wing. 
"Sine Fine Tenebris!" He shouted as the giant monster spawned in reality this time. It roared, the rain outside hitting the monster.
"YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY DEFEAT THIS!" The Horror shouted. The whole west wing had been destroyed, leaving it in debris. Luckily for the rest of the inmates. Each wing was separated from the others, meaning the second floor of the main prison building wasn't affected by this collapse. 

Lang and the rest stood on the platform, watching the monster from afar.
"What the fuck..." Crisiff said.

Llywelyn looked at the monster.
"You think you stand a chance against a monster this size when you aren't some immortal?!" The Horror shouted.
"I might not be immortal. I might not be able to regenerate, but deep within me is a small pit of embers, and if it means I have to outburn each one of them. I will take you down." He rolled his hand into a fist.
"AMBER!-" He roared as his stomach began to glow powerfully. The light moved over his body up his chest and into his right fist.
"So that's all I got left?" He thought to himself, looking at the glow in his hand.
"That's plenty. Thanks...dear." He thought as he steeled himself and looked at the monster in front of him.
"TAKE HIM!" The Horror shouted as the monster roared and swung its arm down. Llywelyn dodged it and then set on to a sprint. Sprinting up the arm.
"You didn't learn from before?!" The Horror moved his hand up into the air. Spikes shot out the arm, cutting into the foot of Llywleyn. He flinched in pain but kept running, allowing blood to shoot from his feet.
"THERE IS NO WAY YOU WILL SEE ME STOP!" He roared as he kept running.
"What kinda monster are you!" The Horror shouted. The monster tried to swing Llywelyn off, but he just kept running. He reached the elbow and then locked eyes with the Horror who was resting on top of the monster's head.
"THERE YOU ARE!" He roared as he kept charging. 
"BURN HIM!" The Horror shouted. The monster opened its mouth and unleashed a flame, but the flame didn't even reach Llywelyn before it turned to ash and smoke.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" The Horror shouted. He then looked down to see the monster began to grumble.
"Wait...why are you?!" He looked at Llywelyn and he froze. There wasn't a single hint of fear in his eyes. 
"You aren't scared?!" The Horror shouted. 

"He underestimated Llywelyn," Lang said.
"Why's that?" Pandora asked.
"Timor only works...only grows at a scared target, but at this moment. Llywelyn couldn't fear anything." Lang said.

Llywelyn jumped up into the air as the monster crumbled. The Horror slowly fell down toward the ground.
"LET MY FLAME BURN ONE LAST TIME-" Llywelyn roared as he clenched his fist.
"AMBER-" He roared.
"LAST-" Llywelyn shouted as he flew toward the Horror.
"STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT. FEAR ME. FEAR ME!" The Horror shouted, locking eyes with Llywelyn one last time as the golden glow erupted from Llywelyn's arm, turning his fist into a pure amber glow.
"S-scary..." The Horror thought.
"EMBER!" Llywelyn shouted slamming his fist into The Horror. A bright amber light erupted over the crumbled west wing. The Horror slowly lighted up with an amber glow before he was sent flying down toward the ground with incredible speed. It slammed into the soil and the ground broke apart. Llywelyn slowly fell toward the ground and crashed into it. He lay there with a smile on his lips.
"I did it...Amber." He said, moving a fist into the air. The glow on his hand slowly vaporized and vanished. Llywelyn smiled and just enjoyed the coldness of the night, waiting for someone to pick him up, unable to move anymore. 

The fight of the west wing had concluded. Llywelyn against Octavias raged on for thirty-four minutes. The final part of the fight was Octavias being killed by Llywelyn's last amber spark known as "Amber last ember." The recoil from this power left Llywelyn powerless, meaning his power had vanished to regenerate and use the amber glow. This was a victory once more for the invaders leaving it at 2-0. 

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