The Phantom Vs. The Spider 4. Your Name.

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Clark kept his gaze on the pillars as he took soft steps over the ground, trying not to make a sound. 
"If I just keep silent he won't know where I am. He might have made a forest out of his own weaponry, but there is something he forgets. It also clouds his vision." Clark thought as he moved like flowing water through the maze of bones, dodging all the bones without touching them at all.
"Bahahha. You are hiding in my own forest, huh?" The voice echoed out over the grounds. Clark ignored the taunting, moving through the forest. His gaze was lingering on a window in the far end of the hall that wasn't destroyed nor covered in spikes.
"The slightest touch of the web alerts the spiders to a prey's presence. One little mistake and you will die. But do not find yourself safe. I am keeping my eyes out for you too!" The Spider roared. Clark took deep breaths, moving his feet with pinpoint precision.
"I just need to get a bit closer. Then I can warp to the window." Clark thought, taking a step forward, exhaling. The small amount of air brushed against a bone.
"There." The Spider said. Clark's eyes widened as he dodged down low in a hasty movement as a spike shot out from the pillar. The spike had been aimed at his eye. 
"Fuck." Clark said as he took into a sprint. He ran as fast as he could.
"No more hiding!" The Spider roared as spikes shot out from all the pillars around him. He dodged around, jumping through the spikes and sliding over the ground, barely getting through every attack.
"Come on, come on!" Clark thought as he kept dashing toward the window.
"SPIDER LEGS!" The Spider roared as six long and thin spikes shot out from the pillars at incredible speed. All of them pincer attacking Clark. Clark took a deep breath.
"WARP!" He shouted as he vanished in the nick of time, appearing at the window. He leaped out the window into the courtyard below. The courtyard was lighted up in a bright fire. 
"What the fuck. Who set the building on fire?" Clark thought as he turned around to see the forest burn brightly. You saw white spikes erupt from the wall in front of him, piercing the window he had barely just escaped out of. One of the spikes is quite larger than the others. Slowly melting out from the tip of it came The Spider's body. Only his upper body, head, and, arms showcasing. 
"You escaped my web." The Spider said. Clark grinned and took his knife tightly in his hand.
"Yeah, I'm out of your reach now!" Clark shouted. The Spider slowly melted out of the spike more, coming into form on top of it, stepping his foot on the edge. 
"You would think so." The Spider said, jumping down to the forest, letting the fire light up his figure. 
"You will forever be my prey. No matter you escaped my web. You haven't escaped the spider, not yet." The Spider grinned as he slowly leaned his body down. 
"The spider is done playing." The Spider said as his back began to bubble. 

"Widowmaker," The Spider said as his skin opened up on his back, revealing six long spines. They all bent over to become spider legs. His tailbone shot out his lower back, bending back to a long tail-like thing. Bones came out of his lips over his mouth forming two sharp fangs. Small white spikes came out of his fingertips making him have claws and small spikes lined up his arms with a bigger spike over his elbow. 
"God damn. You're ugly." Clark said as he held up his knife. 
"One single knife-" The Spider's voice had gone from insane to more sleek and cunning.
"Won't save you." He said in a cold voice before he vanished. He appeared in front of Clark, swinging his arm at him. Clark deflected the spiked arm only to barely dodge his head out of the way of an incoming spider leg. Clark jumped back but felt his momentum stop as the tail wrapped around his leg and pulled him back.
"No, you don't." The Spider said as he pierced Clark's stomach with his hand. 
"GAH!" Clark's mouth exploded with blood. 
"Burn!" He shouted as he threw Clark toward the forest fire. Clark quickly gazed at a branch and teleported to it, landing on it. He held himself to his stomach. 
"Gah." He coughed out blood and vomit. Looking down to see The Spider look up at him. 
"Still standing after I pierced your gut?" The Spider asked as he looked at his hand, which was covered in blood. 
"I've...been through worse." Clark grabbed his knife and made it levitate by his side. 
"You truly think your parol tricks of flying knives can defeat me? You saw what I can do. I am not as weak as you." The Spider said as he walked forward. He leaned down on all fours and flew forward at amazing speed. Clark pointed his hand at him, sending the knife flying. 
"Sometimes you underestimate the power of a singulare weapon!" Clark shouted as he jumped into the air.
"Blade dancing-" He shouted as he spun around and sent the knife flying toward The Spider.
"Warp blade!" He shouted as the knife vanished. Clark moved his hand around as the knife teleported all around The Spider. The monster stopped tracking the knife but it soon got lost in the warping.
"You can try to keep up, but there will come a time when-" Clark moved his hand toward himself.
"The knife can't be tracked!" He shouted as the knife cut The Spider's side. The Spider turned around only to get hit in the back. 
"I might only have one knife-" Clark shouted as he weaved his hands around, making the knife teleport around and pierce The Spider from all sides.
"I AM TIRED OF THIS!" The Spider roared as his spines moved out and stabbed at the knife.
"Bold move-" Clark thought as he grinned and didn't change the knife's direction.
"But stupid." Clark grinned as the knife broke all six spider legs and hit The Spider's eye.
"RAH!" The Spider stumbled back, latching out at the knife, but it only grasped air as the knife vanished once more. Clark caught the knife.
"This knife is made of one of the rarest metals in all of the lands. There is no way you can break it with your bones. This knife will be the doom of you!" Clark shouted as he made it levitate again. 

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