The Ravaging Viking Vs. The Hunter 4. In the mind of the Hunter.

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"RAH!" Björn threw his hand forward, slamming it into the side of the dune. The rocks cracked apart, breaking.
"MAGMA!" Björn shouted. His tattoos glowed up and steam started to rise from his body. The rocks around the Dune began to melt and break apart, turning into lava. 
"He is heating up?" The Hunter ran back and tried to get some distance.
"SIC EM!" The Hunter shouted. Vultures spawned around him, flying toward Björn. Björn looked at them as heat erupted from his steaming body, breaking the birds apart.
"Seems like that won't go anymore." The hunter said as he jumped back toward some of the trees.
"EMEN ELIS!" He shouted, unleashing a railgun shot from his hand. Björn got hit by it, but this time the bullet broke apart, splintering into pieces and falling to the ground. 
"Oh?" The hunter looked at Björn as he finally reached the top of the Dunes. He threw his hand into the ground, swinging it with full force down into the ground afterward.
"BREAK!" He broke the ground apart. The cracks moved across the land all around him. The rifts slowly started to glow red as magma rose from it. 
"It seems like Emen Elis isn't hard enough anymore to break him apart, but the more resilient he gets. The more he bleeds. Seems like I just need to hit him hard a few more times." The hunter grinned as he slowly backed off.
"What is this feeling?" The Hunter grinned from ear to ear as he looked at Björn walk toward him.
"It's not anticipation...nor is it excitement. I haven't felt this in so long. It's...It's...Fear." The hunter grinned manically. His eye, shivering from excitement. He grabbed his neck and started to press his fingers into the skin. 
"Yes, I am truly...truly-" He looked up to see Björn towering over him. The Viking's eyes burned with the fury of a molten furnace. 
"Truly becoming a prey." He said, before taking a powerful hit to the face. You heard the sound of searing pain. Sizzling skin, and for a moment you smelled burned meat, and then you saw the Hunter thrown through the air. Björn slowly walked through the forest. Leaves and branches caught on fire as he walked. 
"I will finish this fight and then I will venture into the prison. I will kill all of these mere mortals. I am chosen by the Norse. I am the Ravaging Viking!" Björn shouted as he bent down slowly and then leaped into the air, making a ground pound with both hands. The ground broke apart into molten lava, consuming the trees around him. 
"No more trees. No more forest. No more hiding, HUNTER! I will face you straight on in my landscape!" He threw his hands into the air again, pounding the ground once more. The ground broke apart as geysers of hot air exploded from the ground. 
"YOU SHAN'T RUN NOR SHALL YOU ESCAPE!" He slammed his fist one last time into the ground, breaking apart all the roots of the tree, burning them, and setting fire to the landscape.
"RAGNAROK!" He shouted 

The landscape changed, molten lava and burning trees tore the landscape apart. The forest, once home of The hunter, had become a burning landscape. The island had turned into the inside of a volcano. 

The hunter slowly stood up from the last attack. A burn mark sizzling on the side of his face. 
"Well. That seems to be true, monster." The Hunter said as his eye slowly stopped glowing, turning off the ability.
"Seems like there is no more reason for me to have a hunting pact with you. Because at this moment the fight has truly begun!" The Hunter exclaimed. He picked up his coat from before. He placed the Blunderbusses in his belt, placed the muset on his back, and the revolver held in his human hand. The hand cannon was placed as an attachment to his mechanical arm. 
"Because at this moment you are not prey anymore, nor am I a hunter. Right now we are two hunters fighting for the right of the title." The Hunter laughed manically, throwing his hat away. His red glowing eyes pierced at Björn. His razor-sharp shark teeth ground together in anticipation and his brown hair swayed in the molten wind. 
"You still take this as some game, hunter?" Björn asked as he walked past a tree, grabbing the axes he left behind. The two axes erupted in a red glow as red runes were carved into the wooded handle and the edges of the blade started to shine with a bright sizzling glow. 
"GIhihihih. HAHAHAHAH!" The Hunter broke into laughter and then slowly looked at Björn with an angry sinister smile.
"It is but a game, Monster." The Hunter said as he pointed his gun at him.
"Bang..." He said mockingly. Björn roared as he charged forward. Every step he took exploded the ground with molten pools of lava. The Hunter ran toward him too. Björn swung his axe forward, but The Hunter dodged low, sliding between his legs. He turned around to see a hand up against his face.
"W-what?" Björn was confused to see there was a good amount of distance between them. He then realized.
"The broken hand!" He tried to jump back, but it was too late. 
"Just because you broke my other prosthetic, doesn't mean I can't use it anymore." The Hunter said as he had picked it up during his dash. 
"IMPACT!" He shouted as a powerful air gust shot out of the broken prosthetic. The air shot to all sides, moving the lava away from the two and sending Björn reeling back with blood out of his nose.
"Now!" The Hunter shouted, moving forward. He threw the prosthetic away as the arm broke apart into pieces. He pointed his prosthetic hand forward.
"ASTRIMIRBAL!" He shouted as the hand cannon exploded, hitting the same point the air gust had. He then jumped up.
"EMEN ERIS!" He shot him in the same spot with his railgun. Björn grunted in pain. 
"YOU THINK-" He grabbed The Hunter's leg and swung him overhead into the ground.
"THAT HURTS!" He dragged him over the ground and threw him away. A small amount of blood leaked from Björn's head. The hunter slid over the ground, recovering as he ran forward. 
"Amarimella!" The Hunter shouted, shooting his blunderbusses. The bullets hit Björn but just pushed him a bit. 
"That doesn't even hurt me anymore!" Björn shouted, swinging his axe. The hunter grabbed onto the handle, using the momentum to get thrown into the air.
"You might be resilient!-" The hunter shouted as he flew toward him, placing the hand cannon right at Björn's face.
"But resiliency doesn't necessarily mean immortality. I don't care how many shots it will take, but I will hunt you down! ASTRIMIRBAL!" He shot the cannon point blank into Björn's face. Björn waved his hand to clear the smoke.
"PATHETIC!" Björn shouted, swinging his axe. The pure red blade hit the Hunter. Sizzling could be heard as boiling blood shot into the air and The Hunter was sent flying back. The Hunter landed on the ground as his shirt caught fire. He threw it off, laughing. He was somewhat trained but not full muscle. He was built more in a nimble athletic build rather than a powerhouse muscle build. The axe had cut him from his right shoulder to his left hip. The wound has been burning and cauterized in a mere second. 
"HAHAHAHHA! YES YES. MORE. SHOW ME MORE. SHOW ME!" The Hunter laughed as his gaze had turned completely twisted.

"Look at them down there. It seems like he is enjoying himself." A voice said. 
"Yes. His mind state has always been a bit on the twisted side, but I can see now that he truly is enjoying this. I'm happy that he is having fun." A male voice responded. The sound of an organ played loudly in the hall.
"And thus our first pawn is facing one of theirs. Which one of them is the most powerful." The first voice. A male voice was moving pieces on a cheese board.
"What do you think, sir?" He turned to the man playing the organ.
"It is a mystery even to me." He grinned and turned with a warm smile to the man playing cheese.
"But I must say that I never expected this. They really found someone as strong as that for us. If this is the first one they are willing to send. I can't wait to see what is gonna happen. Can you?" The man turned away from his organ and slowly walked toward the window, overlooking the area below. The fiery red shone onto the window.
"Austum Pralas. The Hunter. imprisoned in High End for the death of over one hundred people. Method of killing shooting and hunting. I had many long talks with him, going deep into his psyche and mind. There isn't anything to save in there. There is only one thing left in Austum Pralas-" The man laughed, placing his hands behind his back. The cheese player looked at him and then down toward the arena.
"Pure, uncontrollable malice." The man said.

For many many many years. I had my fun hunting my prey. Forests filled with sounds of screams and fears. People begging for me to stop. I never understood what that was about. There is nothing fun about stopping. Do they really believe that asking me nicely to stop will make me stop? That is why I am the hunter. The moment they entered my forest there was no more hope for them. At that moment the power hierarchy between them and me was settled. They were the prey. I was the hunter. I wanted to hunt for food and I would always get my food. They were nothing more than simple prey for my game. Game? Was it really a game or was it a lifestyle? What is a lifestyle now? Why is it so wrong that I do this? Why is it so wrong that I hunt? People hunt animals all the time and no one bats an eye, but the moment I pick up my gun and shoot children, mothers, dads, men, women, police, and families. It's wrong? What's so wrong about that? What is so wrong with being who I am? Why am I the one in the wrong? I AM THE HUNTER. THAT IS MY JOB. I HUNT! I HUNT! I HUNT! I HUNT! HUNT.

But now? 

What is this feeling in my body? Is this what my prey felt all these times? Is this truly what fear is like? Then I only have one question. 

Why were they so unhappy? This feeling is amazing. The feeling of not knowing what is gonna happen. I look at you monster. I look at you and I see not a prey, nor a hunter. I see something unexpected. A form of...enigma in my life. I have never seen a monster like you before and it brings forward fear in my body...


Oh, fear...

Fear brings forward such a nice characteristic in people. It brings forward a sense of fight and flight. So many ran from me, stepping into beartraps and dying. So many tried to pick up branches and fight me and I never understood it. I am finally caught in a moment...None of my guns are working and all I can see is this monster coming toward me, burning me alive! 


Now I can finally see it for myself. What will happen to Austum Pralas in the moment of fear? What will happen when I am cornered? Will I fight or flight? This fear...this true untouched fear...Is what I am anticipating the most...I can't wait to feel it. I can't wait to break apart of the cycle of hunting and being hunted...All I can see...All I want to see. Are you monster. What kinda man can you turn me into...What kinda monster will I become...when all the smoldering winds...



Austum's eye was burning with pure red twisted malice as he looked at Björn. You could sense a singular sound coming from him... an undertone of pure...psychotic gleeful...laughter. 

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