The Unyielding Vs. The Horror 2. X28 against Amber.

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"The fight has begun downstairs, sir. The whole first floor is currently being invaded. The Horror, The Spider, The Entertainer, and The Virtuoso are all currently, fighting some of the invaders." The elegant man with the chessboard said. The Psychologist turned toward him and smiled.
"I see. Tell me how is it going down there?" The Psychologist asked. 
"Not much to report on right now." The other man said, moving pieces around on a chessboard.
"I must be honest. I am quite hurt still over the loss of Austum. He was such a fascinating being." The Psychologist said, turning around to look at the decapitated body of Austum, lying across a platform in the room. 
"He was a good guard dog, but nothing more. Do not let yourself get shaken over so little- Oh..." The other man spoke in a kind voice to the Psychologist before turning to his chessboard again.
"Seems like something interesting is about to happen in the Western wing..." The man said. 

"That is who you are..." The kid slowly slid up from the ground. The scarecrow grasping at him, helping him stand.
"Interesting...Truly truly interesting. Kekekeke." He looked up at Llywelyn. 
"You...Oh youuuu." He said as the scarecrow began to creak and twist. The body began to twist all around.
"Misery..." The Horror said as the scarecrow ripped apart. A single rod fell out of its body.
"Oh dear. It begins...It begins!" He began to screech. The scarecrow's head landed on his shoulder, moving its lips slowly. 
"What is going on?" Llywelyn moved forward trying to reach the kid in time.
"TOO LATE!" The Horror shouted, grabbing the rod and slamming it against the plate over his mouth. The plate eroded fast and turned to dust, revealing the kid's mouth. It had stitches and lines all around it and sharp teeth. The kid opened its mouth, revealing a hazy purple fog coming from it.
"What the-?" Llywelyn tried to slam his heel into the ground, stopping himself but it seemed it was too late already.
"X28!" The horror shouted, breathing out a giant purple cloud, quickly filling the corridors.
"Warning, warning. Detection of X28 has arrived. Locking down the Western block." The internal system activated and iron plates shot down and small holes opened in the floor, sucking out the gas. Llywelyn held a hand over his mouth, but the fog was not vanishing. The black silhouette in the purple mist moved slowly toward him.
"Bahaha. Hold ya breath as you might, but this wing was facilitated to contain my chemical. This cloud might slowly be removed, but it won't vanish!" The kid moved through the fog, taking in a deep breath.
"HOW LOVELY!" He screeched. He wiggled his fingers as the scarecrow slowly was put together again, levitating in the mist.
"Now...Just-" He swung his arm forward, hitting Llywelyn in the stomach. The man moved his arm down to block it. The scarecrow moved forward, grabbing him by the face.
"Inhale..." He said creepily as the scarecrow opened its mouth, shooting a pure stream of gas into his face. Llywelyn gasped and then sucked in the gas. 
"Good..." An echoing voice said. Llywelyn was released and pushed back. He fell onto the bloody ground and looked around.
"Not good." He thought as he looked around. He moved his hand forward.
"AMBER SPHERE!" He shouted, unleashing a powerful shockwave, clearing the purple mist around him. 

"Kekekekek." He looked up to see an abomination. The scarecrow from before had grown long spider-liæke legs, imparling the walls. It had grown in size, covering the hall. It had grown four more arms, having six arms in total and instead of nails on the tips, there were scythe blades. Its eyes had ignited into a red glow and on top of its head was The Horror, moving it using strings.
"You have hit the first phase of X28 intoxication. I present to you. Timor In forma humana!" The Horror laughed
"Amber...Watch me." Llywelyn said as he moved a fist forward.
"I see you aren't some rugrat kid that I need to take care of. I apologize to you!" He smiled brightly and confidently.
"I will apologize for not taking you seriously. Now!-" Llywelyn removed his gloves, revealing his hands. They had yellow scarring down them, glowing and pulsing with amber light.
"I will take you seriously now, kid. HAVE AT THEE!" Llywelyn moved forward, running toward the giant monster.
"TAKE HIM!" The Horror shouted as the scarecrow screeched, moving all its arms down, slashing the ground, and breaking the rocks apart. Llywerlyn slammed his fist against the flat side of one of the scythe blades. A small pulse of light erupted, sending the scythe blade flying away from him. He slid over the ground on his knees dodging another one. 
"HAYSTACK!" The Horror shouted as he moved his fingers like puppeteering. The stomach of the creature bubbled and opened up. Long thin spider-like legs made of hay shot out. All of them have metal tips. Llywelyn moved his fist around, parrying the incoming attacks with the back of his hand, slamming the spider-like legs away from him. Only to barely dodge an incoming scythe. 
"Voodoo nails!" The horror shouted as the scarecrow opened its mouth, shooting out a hail of nails. 
"Amber guard!" HE shouted, moving up both hands in a flat formation. A golden sphere erupted around him as the nails all hit against it, breaking apart, but also slowly leaving small cracks in the light. 
"If you're standing still-" The Horror said, moving his hands.
"You will die!" He screeched as the spider legs moved around the sphere, hitting it from all sides. The glow broke apart and Llywelyn was hit by nails in the front and spider-legs in the back. Blood splattering everywhere. 
"Gah!" Llywerlyn let out a gasp as blood shot out of his mouth.
"DIE!" The Horror shouted as a giant scythe blade shot down and slammed into Llywelyn. The man gets impaled to the ground by the blade. 
"That should do it. Scared and alone and now impaled." The horror grinned as he moved his finger a bit, making the scarecrow twist its blade. 
"Scream, shout. WHINE!" He roared.
"Bahahaha." Llywelyn laughed and coughed up blood at the same time.
"You sure about that?" Llywelyn grinned as he slowly stood up, pushing the scythe back. A small part of his abdomen region was glowing with amber light. The scythe had hit this light but wasn't able to go through it.
"I must say-" Llywelyn said as he stopped up, pushing the scythe blade back, making the scarecrow's arm fly into the roof, getting stuck in it.
"That was a most interesting form of attack-" He said, standing up. Nails dropped all around him as holes in his body slowly closed up, like the skin was twisting together and regenerating. 
"But again. You can hit me with all your force. There's no way I will die!" Llywelyn shouted. 
"This one is annoying." The Horror said as he leaned against the head of the scarecrow, resting on its shoulder. 

"I am light!" Llywelyn shouted as he stood up straight. He tore off his jacket and shirt, leaving his bare chest revealed. His heart area was glowing with an amber glow and scars moved away from this centered light to all around his body up his arms and down to his hands. 
"Now-" He slammed the ground, and yellow light erupted from it, sending up yellow cracks in the ground.
"I will repeat myself, kid." He looked up confidently.
"HAVE AT THEE!" He flew forward, erupting into an amber almost shimmer of a light.
"Amber spark!" He shouted, slamming his fist into the scarecrow's head. Yellow lines moved across the monster in a quick second, spreading over its body.
"What is this?" The Horror shouted.
"Just my radiant light!" He smiled proudly as the cracks all erupted in amber light. The scarecrow screeched and fell to the ground. All the spider-legs broke apart and the thing came crumbling down.
"Wah!" The Horror fell toward the ground but was caught in the poncho by Llywelyn.
"Now-" He said moving his fist back. 
"Shit." The Horror said, before taking a punch to the face and flying back. The Horror was caught by straws moving up, making a glove to catch him. The straws twisted around him and sent him into the sky as the scarecrow slowly assembled once again, moving up. 
"Well well well." Llywelyn looked as the scarecrow formed into full again and The Horror popped out of its head, standing on top of it again.
"That was a fluke!" The Horror shouted as it moved its hands into the air. The scarecrow's six arms all prepared for an attack.
"Reaper's harvest!" He screamed and moved his hands down. All six scythes creaked for a moment before a hail of scythe swings rained down upon the ground, slamming into it. Cutting the walls and ground apart. Llywelyn moved between them dodging them as gracefully as he could, sometimes having to slam his fist into one to deflect it.
"A wild rampage. Is that all you can muster?" He asked as he moved through the rampage of scythes.
"DIE!" The Horror shouted as he moved his fingers. The Scythes all stopped and strings shot out from the blades, whipping around with the sharp tips. Llywelyn was cut all over his body, not prepared for the smaller and faster weaponry. 
"Got you!" The Horror shouted as he moved his hands forward. Two scythes moved sideways and tried to cut him from both sides.
"If small wounds can't hurt you. Then I JUST CUT YOU IN HALF." The horror shouted. Llywelyn moved his hands down and allowed the whips to cut him. He then moved both hands out, covering them in amber light. He caught both blades, making them stand still. Blood leaked from all over his body and his face. He was looking down, making a shadow cover his eyes. The scarecrow shook from the sudden stop in momentum. 
"HMMMMMMMMMMMMM." He softly pushed against the blades. The creaking echoed across the room.
"RAH!" He roared as he pushed as hard as he could. You heard snapping as the arms broke off the main body. He let one of them fall to the ground as he grabbed the other and swung it around with all his might, cutting the scarecrow in half using its own arm.
"You can't-" He shouted as he threw the arm away, leaping forward toward the falling Horror.
"HARM ME!" He shouted slamming his head into the kid, headbutting the kid to the ground. He spun around once and then heeldropped into the kid. The Horror gasped for air at the impact.
"AMBER!" He shouted as he spun around, kicking the air, having the kid stuck to his foot, sending the kid flying through the room in an amber light, crashing against the wall. 
"You can hit me with monsters, but it won't ever harm me." He said as the wounds all over his body slowly healed itself again. He shook his upper lip a bit, shaking a bit of blood off his mustache.
"Ke..keke." The horror slowly stood up as blood leaked from his mouth. 
"I see. You are a hard nut to crack. But I just realized something." The kid looked at him with his twisted eyes and laughed. He moved the plague doctor mask out in front of his mouth, allowing the beak to point toward the ground. A purple gas erupted from the nostrils of the beak. 
"Your healing this time was a bit slower than the wounds I gave you before X28...So all I have to do is make you so scared your wounds won't heal!" The horror laughed as he moved his hand toward the scarecrow. The hay moved as the scythe flew out of the hay and landed in the Horror's hand.
"Let us see which one is better, HUMAN. My X28 or your amber powers. WHICH ONE BEATS THE OTHER. I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR YOUR SCREAM IN FEAR AND AGONY!" The Horror said, spinning the scythe around, resting it over his shoulder, and leaning down, placing himself into a combat position. 

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