The Clockwork Vs. The Entertainer 2. The strongest ability.

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"A good show, huh?" Terrick stood up, spitting out a small amount of blood.
"Oh yes, a fantastic show!" He spread out his arms as all the TVs began to screech loudly with static. 
"Well-" Clockwork pushed himself off the ground, grabbing his needle.
"I better not keep you waiting then." Clockwork's eye began to tick softly. The ticking could be heard at small intervals. The two of them just stared at each other.
"What are you waiting for, sir? You waiting for me to make the first move?" The Entertainer grinned.
"Not at all." Clockwork suddenly stood behind The Entertainer.
"What the-" The Entertainer turned around confused.
"Four seconds ticking-" He slowly moved the needle back up to the wrist pouch.
"How did ya pass m-?" The Entertainer looked at him and then suddenly.
"Needle slash!" Terrick roared. The Entertainer suddenly grunted in pain, a giant cut appearing over his body from shoulder to hip. 
"Gah!" The Entertainer grunted in pain and fell to one of his knees.
"You might be fast. But speed doesn't matter when ya fight someone who manipulate reality itself." Terrick's eye kept ticking.
"Bahahahhaha!" The Entertainer broke into a laugh, standing up straight. He slammed his cane into the ground, making it crack the ground again.

"Still able to laugh after such a deep wound?" Terrick asked as he turned to the man, adjusting himself slightly.
"You think such a wound would get me down. Oh no, no no no no no no!" He spread out his arms.  
"It just gets me excited!" He roared as all the TVs suddenly turned off. The static had been a source of light in the corridor, which now had turned completely dark. You saw the two purple eyes glow in the dark and the bright smile shine. 
"Now. Let the show begin!" The Entertainer shouted as all the TVs erupted in applause. His form began to slowly shimmer in and out of reality. Like the static on the screen.

"Let me truly show you the power of mine." He vanished, turning into a small purple lightning glimmer, before all the TVs turned silent. Terrick looked around himself. 
"Two-second glimpse!" He shouted as his eye glowed up. His vision blurred but for some reason, he saw everything. He could see two seconds into the future, walking around the room, preparing his hand to catch his needle if needed. 
"My two-second glimpse allows me to watch an object or person's movement in the future just two seconds ahead." He thought as he looked around. His powers were directed at himself. seeing his own body in the future.
"You seem on edge, contestant." The voice called out, seemingly coming from all the TVs. The purple lightning shot out of one TV and into another. Terrick slowly paced around the room, keeping an eye on the TVs. The lightning shot out from another TV and into another.
"You trying to keep your eyes on me?" The voice called out once more.
"Good luck." It said in a menacing cold voice. Suddenly the lightning shot to another TV, before instantly shooting to another. The speed increases by the seconds. 
"Keep up, Keep up, keep up." He repeated those words while he went from TV to TV.
"Just stay focused." Terrick thought as he moved his hand down next to his body. The box on his wrist began to rattle, seemingly winding up. 
"One sword style-" He slid his leg down, allowing the handle on his arm to begin to turn, winding up his body.
"Clockwork-" He hummed as the box began to rattle loudly.
"HERE I COME!" The lightning shot toward him, turning into the Entertainer in a split second.
"HAND!" The box snapped open in a powerful blast. The needle landed in his hand and extended to become a long sword. The sword collided with the cane. Allowing a powerful roar to echo out over the halls. 
"Good reflexes." The Entertainer said coldly.
"Don't patronize me," Terrick said, pushing his sword against the cane enough to make the man fly back. He turned into lightning and went into another TV.
"Well, that we a surprise." The Entertainer said as he moved from TV to TV in rapid movements once more.
"But can you keep up if I turn the speed even more up?!" He roared as the lightning began to move at such a speed it just looked like all the TV was linked by a purple thread. 
"Breath," Terrick said as he moved his leg backward again, taking the same stance as before. 
"He can't know what you think." Terrick tuned the sounds around him out. He could only hear the ticking of the clock. 
"Timestamp." He mumbled under his breath. 
"RAH!" The Entertainer came out of the TV again, flying toward him.
"Got you." Terrick thought as he spun around.
"One sword style. Clockwork hand!" Terrick spun around and a second later blood splatted to the wall as the needle pierced The Entertainer's body and slammed him into the wall.
"Where..." The Entertainer growled.
"WHERE WAS MY CANE?!" He roared as he looked up. The Cane fell out of the TV he had come out of.
"You didn't get it. The first attack wasn't an attempt to hurt you. IT was to come in contact with your Cane. It has been marked by my time and I froze it in place the moment you attacked me, meaning you went on without it!" He pointed his needle at The Entertainer. 
"Gah!" He felt his body as blood leaked down over his chest. The suit was ruined slightly. 
"Oh ho hoooo. Seemingly having  the control of time around you is something powerful." The Entertainer stood up, grabbing his cane by making it levitate over to him at high speed. 
"Did I finally get your attention, show host?" Clockwork swung his blade, making the blood fall off the long needle. He then placed it back into the box. The needle crumbled together into a small dagger size before entering the box. 

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