The Clockwork Vs. The Entertainer 3. The living machine.

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The two stared at each other from a distance. Terrick moved his hand up to grab the wind-up. 
"You think I'm gonna let you do that after such a display. This is national TV-" The Entertainer vanished and appeared in front of him.
"HAVE SOM DECENCY!" He swung his cane at Terrick, but the inventor dodged low, trying to get distance between them.
"Oh no you don't." The Entertainer slammed his cane into Terrick's foot, making him stumble.
"REWIND!" He moved back two seconds and moved his foot away from the cane stomp.
"Annoying little ability." The Entertainer said as he snapped his finger. Terrick looked around only to get hit in the face by the cane. He was sent flying, crashing into the wall. 
"Simple misdirection. A good need trick as a showman." The Entertainer said. 
"Pesky showman." Terrick stood up, whipping the blood away from his nose.
"You find me annoying. That isn't good. Oh no no noooo." The Entertainer walked down the hall, spinning his cane. 

"A host should always be a welcoming and pleasant person!" He slammed his cane into the ground, pointing his long slim claw-like fingers at Terrick.
"Let me show you some High end hospitality!" He grinned. The smile was very warm, but somehow creepy. Like an ocean of malice hiding behind sharp teeth.
"Point center limelight!" The Entertainer said, slamming his cane into the ground. It stood there for a second before lightning shot out from it, hitting all the TVs. 
"Now, let us begin." The Entertainer slowly levitated into the air, crossing his fingers on both hands. pointing wrapping around the middle finger and pinky around the ring finger. He ended by placing his thumbs together and making the wrap pointer and middle fingers touch, making a small hole in the finger symbol. A triangle formed out of his hands. 
"What is this?" Terrick prepared himself. 
"It does already be too late, good sir. I'm about to show you true unfiltered malice." He lined up his hands to have Terrick shown inside of it.
"HA!" He shouted as all the TVs went out for a moment. Terrick looked around. 
"Just have to look into the fu-" He was about to look into the future but then.

"What happened to the feed?!" Pandora whined, kicking her legs as she was lying on a table.
"We trying to re-establish a connection!" Crisiff shouted.
"What are these numbers." Lang looked at the computer.
"Oh, that is a big one." Pandora tumbled over the table and dangled her head downward, looking a the screen. The screen portrayed a graph and for the smallest of a second, there was a spike in power in High end. The spike was multiplied by ten by the normal energy amount.

Inside the wing. Smoke erupted. Terrick was twitching, standing up as a large black circle had formed around him. Static and small sparks of lightning shot off his body. He was looking up at the roof, blood leaking from his mouth as he had burn marks all over his body. All the TV screens had broken apart, shattering. The only sound in the hall was the scratching of a radio. 
"Oh dear me. I might have overdone it." The Entertainer said, turning off the radio.

"Can you still breathe? Are you already dead?" The Entertainer walked. 

The glass shards under him breaking by every step.
"You made me ruin some pretty good TVs...but in all honesty." He walked toward the still-standing Terrick.
"How many seconds do you need to go back to fix these wounds, huh?" He softly placed a hand on Terrick's shoulder. The moment that happened music started to play in the corridor.

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