The Phantom Vs. The Spider 3. The Spider's web

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"Here he comes!" Clark thought as he pent his leg down, lowering his body, forming into a diagonal line again.
"RAHAAAAAA!" The Spider flew out of the cloud. His legs and arms were wrapped in bones. Clark dodged to the side of the incoming bulldozing.
"Blade dancing, endless stream!" Clark shouted as he thrust his hand forward. One knife flew forward but the others warped through space, appearing at the previous one tip. This motion took but a split second, but then a long extended knife tower pierced the back of The Spider. The monster roared and turned around, throwing the knives to the wind. Clark moved his hands around, using his ability to gain control of them again.
"RAH!" The monster roared and out of its mouth shot spine whips again. Clark quickly moved his hand forward.
"Everything in space. Anything that is moving through matter is of my control." Clark said as he took a deep breath as reality in front of him started to warp, looking like reality itself blurred. The spines hit into this blurred reality and vanished. Suddenly appearing behind Clark. They passed right past him but didn't cut into him.
"Gate," Clark said. 
"The Spider bit into his own spikes and roared annoyed as it went down on all four and rushed Clark. Clark waved his hands in front of him, making the gate vanish and the knives move up in front of him.

"Blade dancing, bee stinger!" He shouted, moving a hand forward as all the knives flew forward, this time not in a straight line but in sporadic movement, dashing from side to side.
"RAH!" The Spider roared as its skin began to bubble all over and large spikes shot out of his body, hitting the knife, breaking them apart. Clark's eyes widened as all of the shattered metal flew everywhere. 
"What...force." Clark thought as he jumped back, dodging the incoming spike at the last moment. The large spide had moved horizontally toward him, breaking the knives apart and now crushing the floor. The radius of the spike itself was around a meter to two meters. 
"Such a giant spike out of him. Wait-" He looked around.
"Where is his body?" Clark thought as he had jumped over the spike.
"RAH!" The Spider's body molted out of the bone. His skin was like glued to the bone itself, melted together into one. The spikes weren't a product of him. He is the spikes and that thought terrified Clark, but he didn't have time to react. The Spider reached out and grabbed his foot.
"REVERSE MAIDEN!" The Spider shouted as his skin bubbled. Clark felt a small prick on his leg and then it happened. Spikes shot out from his leg, tearing through his skin, bone, and muscles from the inside out. 
"AH!" Clark roared out in pain. Luckily for him, it was the already damaged leg. The spikes moved up from his ankle to his lower leg. Knee and then up his thigh in the span of two seconds. He grabbed his knife and in one quick moment swung it.
"AHHHH!" Clark roared out as his leg left his body and flew toward the ground. Clark flew toward the ground, crashing against it, rolling over it, and painting a small trail of blood over the ground from his decapitated leg. The Spider roared into hiss-like laughter as the giant bone slowly shrunk and then turned into his lower half. 
"BAHAHAH GAHAHAH!" It began to vomit and laugh at the same time as his skin was bubbling violently. Huge bubbles with a diameter of a few centimeters appeared on his skin. He laughed violently as the skin slowly stopped bubbling and he began to walk toward Clark. 
"Fuck." Clark thought as he looked down his leg. He placed a hand over the wounded area and focused. The opening in his hip began to blur.
"There...a constant gate. Should keep the blood on the inside." Clark thought as he looked up to The Spider walking toward him. The Spider moved his arms out as two long blades slowly crept up from his lower arm and pointed directly at the ground, like two long swords. 
"I need to get up." Clark thought as he pushed himself to sit. He balanced himself, getting up again. He moved a hand forward warping his leg to his hand. He placed it against the cut-off area and focused as reality warped a lot, melding the two together again.
"There...need to get a healer to look at it later, but at least I can still use it." Clark thought as he stomped the ground a few times. 
"You seem tired...sweating..." The Spider said. Clark felt his forehead. He was getting dizzy and tired. Seems the blood loss had caught up with him a bit.
"I need to go on the defensive." Clark thought as he moved his hand up into the air. The blades of the broken knives moved up into the air, swarming around him. All the pieces of the knives that still had some sort of edge were moving around him now. 
"You think you can still stand. Still fight." The Spider grinned.
"Just keep your cool." Clark thought as lowered his body again, going into his fighting stance.
"You face me with determination. Stupidity." The Spider grinned and stomped the ground. He started charging forward, jumping at Clark. Clark dodged to the side, but a swing of one of the swords soon followed. Clark weaved his hand, blocking the incoming sword with the knife pieces. 
"BAHAH!" The Spider threw his other arm forward. Clark's left eye widened as reality blurred. The sword hit it and then you could see the edge of the sword appear again in mid-air.
"Quick gates always end up randomized. I need to focus." Clark thought as he pushed back against the sword, making The Spider stumble back. He quickly widened his stance as he punched The Spider, sending him tumbling back. Clark moved a hand into the air.
"Blade dancing. Autumn shower!" Clark moved his hand down. The knives he prepared a while ago on the roof loosened their grip and flew down with powerful speed. The knives crashed into The Spider, impaling him to the ground. 
"KEEP MOVING!" Clark shouted as he thrust his hand into the air. The knives began to spin violently drilling into the ground. 
"RAHRHARH!" The Spider started with a roar but the drilling soon cut into his throat and it became akin to gaging. Liquid flew to all sides as blood sprayed out.
"There." Clark thought as he clenched his fist, making the blades stop. The Spider was lying completely still. 
"I think I got him," Clark said as he stumbled on his feet, falling to his back, taking a deep breath to quell his nerves.
"It feels like there are pins and needles all over my body." Clark thought as he coughed up a bit of blood. 
"I better report back to Lang." Clark thought as he stood up, jumping to his feet. Chorusing started echoing in the hall as Clark turned toward the hole.
"No!" Clark thought as he jumped back. 
"SPIDER WEB!" The Spider roared.

From a small drone in the sky. There was kept a constant eye on the prison and suddenly. Out of nowhere. The East Wing was completely attacked from the inside. Spikes shot out from every nook and cranny of the building. Glass windows breaking. Stone walls erupting. Large white spikes pierced out of the building on all sides. 

Clark was sitting up against the wall, having moved his head as close to the wall as possible. His legs spread far apart and his arms hugged the wall as a large spike erupted right in front of him and he barely dodged it. He pushed himself to the side, rolling over the floor to a free space. Large white bone spikes had erupted all over the building. Making the eastern wing into a forest of spikes. The light had been smashed, leaving the area in complete darkness other than the few holes that had been a side effect of the piercing, leaking in the moonlight. Clark swung his hair forward, grabbing the knife and yanking it off the chain, holding it in his hand as he slowly and lightly moved through the forest. He slowly used the structure of the building and layout to navigate himself back to the place where he left The Spider. The small hole in the ground was now rooted to a large white spike. A large amount of metal pieces lying around it. His knives had been broken, leaving him now only with one knife left. 
"Seems like this isn't going as planned." Clark grinned, he was trying to keep a brave face but you could tell the nervousness oozing from his body. 
"I thought his body might be a root to this forest but-" He looked up at the spike, remembering how the large spike from earlier was one with him. 
"He could be moving through these spikes like water, just waiting to attack me," Clark said under his breath. He felt a presence suddenly as he turned around. He barely dodged an incoming sword bone. The Spider's upper body was dangling out from one of the spikes behind him. His body was limp but a single bone had come out of the top of his back and tried to pierce Clark.
"You...survived." The Spider said. Clark pushed against the sword and with one flick of his wrist, broke it. He flew forward trying to stab The Spider, but the body in a single motion was swallowed by the bone and the black dagger merely left a small pierced hole in the bone. The sound of chorusing echoed in the chambers. Clark walked through the forest, spinning around in his steps, luckily his blade-dancing style had left him great at moving in a flow while still moving his body around. 
"You are wary...scared. You are my web." The Spider's voice echoed in the hall. Clark kept moving slowly around.
"You keep an eye on all the bones, yet you do not think-" The Spider said. Clark looked around and then it happened.
"That I only appear from the sides!" The Spider roared. The ground under Clark broke apart as a new spike shot up from the ground. Clark barely moved back. The spike still pierced the front of his body, cutting into his chest and stomach. he stumbled back only to see The Spider erupt from the new spike. His arm reaching out. A thin layer of bone marrow covering his hand. The hand grasped at Clark's arm and then small spikes erupted from the thin layer, cutting into Clark. Clark quickly thrust his dagger forward, cutting into The Spider's shoulder, making him let go of his hand. Clark stumbled back, crashing his back into the spike behind him. A fatal mistake as a spike shot out from that spike. Only thin with a radius of like a few centimeters but enough to pierce through his abdomen. Clark quickly grabbed the spike and snapped it, pushing himself off the other spike, and leaving the broken bone behind. He turned around only to feel vibrations in the ground. His eye snapped open. Blur appeared under and above him as a spike came out of the ground, went into the gate, and came out the gate above him, passing by him. 
"That was close." Clark thought as he jumped away, closing the gate. He chose the only viable option. It was to run. He ran through the forest, trying to find a place where there was an open space, but the spikes were endless. An enormous forest had covered the whole eastern wing. They were on the ground in the wall. Some of them came out of the roof. Leaving a large white pillar forest only in his wake. Clark stopped up, realizing he was back where the whole had started with the largest spike. He grabbed his dagger and turned back to the forest, realizing this was his new enemy. 

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