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Never before had Shadow believed he would fall that low. To be on the same level as normal mobians. He's the Ultimate life form and is above all.

But something has changed and he knew exactly what it was, and he couldn't fight it, because deep down, he didn't want to fight it.


Shadow had fallen in with both legs when Amy Rose, the sweetest girl of them all, grew up to a mature female, and he happened to have gotten a hint of her scent that's just as sweet.

Whenever she's near and he could see her or just smell her, he wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms and let his instincts take over.

He wants to feel his body burn by her touch. Feel her body so close as if they were puzzle pieces. Both in and outside.

He often had to remove himself so he wouldn't go out of line, for her sake. He would leave as soon as he could, walk away from the group to deal with his build up tensions.

But what he didn't know, that today, he wasn't alone. Someone found him, but not just anyone, but the one he tried to keep away. Amy Rose.


The tone in her voice was low as she said his name. But there was more behind it. He not only could hear it, but also see it when he looked at her.

She looks at him the same way he has been looking at her for a while now. But she did something he didn't dare to do... call out to him, in need. In need for him, alone.

Hardly having time to think what they were about to do, were they in each other's arms, not wanting to let go before their lust for each other were gone.


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