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Amy looked long and hard at the strawberries in the shop. To get them or not to get them. Sure she loves strawberries, but what she had in mind wasn't fully for eating.

The more she looked at them the more she could feel her cheeks blush by the thought she had in mind.

Taking a deep breath, she grabs the box and buys them, and hurries home.

Amy had a plan for tonight, she wanted to try spice, or rather sweeten things up in the bedroom for tonight.

She had cleaned the house, washed herself, used the shampoo her boyfriend had gifted her the other day, got dinner ready, and had some new lingerie on for later.

She had plans, intimate plans.

Going over the plan in her head, over and over she's starting to get nervous as she waits for her boyfriend to come over.

Finally it knocks on the door and she opens, the nervousness going out the window by the sight in front of her.

There stands no other than Shadow the hedgehog, a.k.a. her boyfriend.

No words are being said, as they both lean in and lock their lips in a tender kiss. After the kiss, they slowly pull apart, giving each other an adoring smile, first now they greet.

"Hey." Says Amy sweetly as she fluttered her eyelashes at the dark male.

"Hey love." Replies Shadow back, cupping her cheek with his hand and she leans into his touch.

After a moment of enjoying each other's touch, Amy finally steps aside so Shadow can enter her home. As he walks past her, she sees him failing at hiding a big bouquet of red roses and lavender behind his back.

"Aww Shadow, those are beautiful." Says Amy in aww as her eyes look back up at the dark male. He hands her the flowers, leaning towards her once again.

"To think our favorite flowers go so well together. Just like we do." He whispers to her with a smirk and places a small kiss on her cheek.

Amy can feel her knees getting weak, he knows how to use his words and his charm towards her, she just wanted to skip dinner and take him to the bedroom right away.

But no, she got a plan.

Setting the flowers in a vase, Shadow couldn't let go of her as he kept hugging her from behind while she worked with the flowers.

"Who knew you were such a hugger, hehe." Says Amy in a giggle as she feels Shadow sliding his nose over the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent.

"Who knew you be so huggable. Uhmmm... you small so nice, so sweet." Says Shadow as he could feel his mouth starting to water, his tail wagging. He himself also just wanted to skip dinner and take her to her bedroom.

But no, he has manners and will be patient.

And so, time went, they cuddled on the couch watching a movie till it was time for dinner. After dinner, Shadow takes it upon himself to clean up after them. Making Amy sigh in love for seeing this kind and helpful side of him that not many get to see.

"We aren't fully done. There is also dessert." Says Amy, but her nervousness is starting to slowly return.

"Hm? Okay, what plates shall I get for us?" Asks Shadow as he opens the cabinet where the plates are to set the table. Amy smiles and shakes her head.

"We don't need plates for this. You can go and sit on the couch and I'll bring the dessert." Says Amy as she gives him a small kiss on his cheek. Shadow leaned into her kiss and missed her lips on him as she moved away, leaving the kitchen to his confusion.

Going to the couch, he sits down and waits. It doesn't take long till Amy returns, now wearing a bathrobe over her, and in her hands she got a small fondue with chocolate pieces in, and a small bowl of strawberries in her other hand. She turns the fondue on and the chocolate starts to smelt in the small pot.

Before Shadow can say much more, Amy places herself onto his lap, her pink naked legs on each side of him. Shadow can feel her fur and skin on him, something tells him she isn't wearing much under that bathroom. Not that he complains.

Amy takes a strawberry and holds it for Shadow to eat. He eats it while his eyes never leave her. Warping her arms around his neck, she leans in and kisses him, tasting the berry on his lips and tongue.

Smirking, Shadow takes a berry as well and reaches over to dip it in the chocolate. He blows on it a little to cool it down, eyes still on his pink girl on his lap. Amy licks her lower lips as she watches him, and sneaky rocks her hips against him, earning a murr from Shadow as he feeds her the berry with chocolate.

They share the berries back and forth a couple of times, Amy rocking her pelvis against his, Shadow enjoying every second of it.

Then one drop of chocolate falls off the berry Shadow was given to Amy, landing above her chest that is shown a bit from the bathrobe.

"Oh, will you look at that, you're making a mess." Says Amy teasingly as she smirks at the dark male that looks at the single drop of chocolate on her chest.

"Hmm, it seems so. I better clean that up after me." Says shadow smugly, his hands slowly start to undo the bathrobe and to pull it off her shoulders.

He stops in his tracks as the robe slides off her shoulders, revealing what's underneath.

Shadow can't stop staring at the beautiful sight in front of him.

Amy, his loving girlfriend is wearing a black transparent bra with 3 tiny red roses, one at each connection of the straps and one in between her breasts.

Gulping, as his mouth began to water again, his hands pulled further on the robe, to reveal her panties, which are in the same style. His eyes linger there for a moment as he sees the wetness that's starting to come from her, from sitting right above his hard bulge, rocking against him.

Slowly his eyes traveled back up, and Amy got the most beautiful shade of blush on her cheeks.

"I... I thought the strawberries and chocolate would be a nice little desert before we... we... you know..." Whisper Amy shyly.

Shadow pulls the robe off her fully and he leans in and starts licking the chocolate off her chest while one hand find it's way around her body and onto her small soft butt, his other hand on her hip to help her rock against him, earning a moan from his pink girl as his hard bulge just got bigger.

"I don't need any kind of desert as long as I have you. Nothing is sweeter or more tasty than you ever be. You can be sure that no matter how much I eat of your sweetness, I will always hunger for more."

With that said, and the chocolate gone from her chest, the rest of the strawberries and chocolate was long forgotten as they now enjoyed something far better.

Each other.


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