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Amy brought Shadow with her on a small trip with Big the cat. To go fishing.

All three were sitting on the small boat bridge by the edge of the lake. Shadow and Big sat quietly as the sun warmed up their bodies, enjoying the quiet nature around them.

Amy however was starting to get bored as none of them seemed to catch anything.

"I'm not even getting a nibble... What about you guys?"

She asks, breaking the silence.

"No, nothing here. But you know fishing is a patience-game, Rose."

Replies Shadow calmly as he glances over to his pink girlfriend, who lets out a heavy breath, a sign of pure boredom. Shadow smiles, finding his pink girl so ever cute no matter what. Big just hummed for himself.

"Gaaah... I need to do something else. Something that doesn't involve me sitting down anymore."

Says Amy, getting up from her spot. But as she turned around and about to take a step, Froggy jumped up, surprising Amy as she didn't know he was there, making her stumble backwards.

Shadow and Big were too slow to react as the heat of the sun had made them a bit drowsy, so Amy fell into the lake.

Shadow hurried over and reached his hand for her and pulled her up from the water, holding her in one hand, Amy now fully soaked, her clothes sticking close to her body. Shadow slowly grins to the sight.

"Well, it at least looks like I caught something for dinner later."

Says Shadow with a bigger grin as Amy scowls at him with a small hint of a blush.

"Silly Shadow. You can't eat Amy. She is not a fish."

Says Big shaking his head, ignorant to Shadow's perverted joke.


MINI STORIES - NSFW!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum