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These dreams didn't seem to stop any time soon, each night, or every time Shadow closed his eyes, did he find himself in a far away land, a new place each time, but there was always something or rather someone there with him in those dreams.

This pink female was always there for him, she was his light, his warmth, his comfort, his peace.

He knew her, she has always been there for him, and now even in his dreams. But he knew one thing, she wasn't with him in real life like she is in his dreams.

Because in his dreams, she hugged him, more than 1 time, and she kissed him, more than he could ever wish for. This time she gently pushed him to the ground, to lay on the soft grass of the flower field they were at. She placed herself on top of his, smiling ever so sweetly at him. Shadow couldn't get himself to stop her or look away. He just wanted her like this, them alone and no one else. Here he could be alone with her, it would be a dream. But that is also all it is, a dream.

Forced awake by his alarm, Shadow is pulled away from his dream one time to many. How he wished it just could be real.

What Shadow didn't know is that the pink female he dreams of, is dealing with the same dream as him, only it's the reverse.

Amy has just woken up from her own slumber, rubbing her eyes as she grumbles over how she had to leave the dark male behind in her own dreams. He who was her calmness, her balance, her pillar, her chaos.

Her dream had been of them, he brought her to a flower field, where she was seated on his lap as he laid on the grass, smiling ever so dreamy up at her as she slowly lowered herself down to him. But as they were about to connect with a kiss, Amy's phone woke her up, a message telling there is a meeting.

At the meeting, sitting across of each other, they tried not to eye the other to much, wishing they could meet up like in their dreams, unknown to them, it could happen if one of them just dared to reach out for that dream.


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