Little Amy mousy, and lustful Little kitty Shadow seeking his prey.

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A little pink female mouse peeked out from the hole in the wall, checking if it was safe to leave. Nothing seemed to move or make sound around the place, it was night, everyone should be asleep.

Sneaking out, she makes her way to the kitchen to find something to eat or drink, she is hungry, and food is needed.

In the kitchen, it was just as quiet and dark, so she dared to walk in, following the wall to not be seen so easily.

Then she sees a bowl on the floor. Running towards it, she can smell it's milk. Thinking her luck is with her, she jumps up on the edge of the bowl, hanging there with her tail in the air as she drinks the milk.

But unknown to the little pink mouse, red eyes on a dark silhouette had been watching her all along. And now, having a view of the little mouse's butt high in the air.

The dark silhouette licks its lips as it slowly sneaks up behind the little pink mouse. The little mouse stopped drinking, feeling something was up. Turning her head, she screams as those red eyes are so close, looking at her with hunger. She falls back, landing in the milk, coughing and splashing around.

The dark silhouette steps forward, showing itself, and the little mouse looks up.

"S-Shadow! You nearly scared me to death."

Says the little mouse, still sitting in the bowl of milk, looking grumpy up at a black cat with red stripes and red eyes. The cat, Shadow snickers at the small mouse in his milk.

"Sorry Rose, but you know me, I just like to play with my food."

Says the cat, his paw reaching for the pink mouse to get her out of his milk. Holding Rose in his paw, he starts grooming her clean from the milk. She lets him, as she really can't fight against him for reasons.

He grooms her all over, not leaving a spot behind, and he makes sure to groom her extra right between her legs and under her tail, making her twist and turn in his paw as she tries to hold back a moan.

When he is done 'playing' with her, he puts her down, letting her run off.

"Until next time, my little prey."


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