Part 2-

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No one knows about my scars except Emily. I don't want anyone else finding out about them, but I guess Levi is about to.
"A-Alexis, your arm..." he whispered, stunned.
"Um, yeah, em." is all I could manage to say.
"Come with me" he said helping me up off the floor.
"Where are you going?" James shouted.
"To get Alexis' arm sorted out" Levi replied.

We went to a more private area. The room wasn't as big as the last one we were in. We were the only ones in there.

"Are you okay?" he asked.
"Oh, well I promise I won't tell anyone" he said taking my hand.
I tried to pull away but I couldn't.
"Alexis, why did you do this? if you don't mind me asking"
"I don't really want to tell anyone but you have seen my arm so you might as well know. Two years ago, I was walking home from school. I'm the youngest of three brothers in their twenties, so mum had to cater for them and their little kids so she couldn't pick me up from school. Walking home from school, I go by this dark alley. A dark figure came out, let's just cut this part short, he raped me. I walked home crying and shaking. When I got in the door of my house, my eldest brother Darren came to me and said "its Ellie, she died while having a nap earlier. I'm sorry Alexis" so that day was why I did this. But no one except you and Emily know about this."
"Oh my god. You are so strong to get through this" he said softly.
"Thanks. Please don't tell anyone"
"I promise, I won't"
He pulled me into a tight hug.
His hug was probably the best ever. He smelled so good. I don't think he realised I was crying on his shoulder.

Someone knocks on the door. We both turn around to see Drew.
"What's going on here?" he asked probably expecting something completely different to what he saw.
"Wait, Alexis are you crying?" Drew said stunned.
"Yeah it doesn't matter."
"The boys are wondering if you want a Nandos Levi"
"Yeah sure, want to come Alexis?"
"No I think I better get going, thanks for tonight"
"No problem, here put your number in my phone" Levi said calling after me.

"Emily, we should go, mums outside" I said walking into the other room.
She was playing truth or dare with the vamps and the rest of the tide.
We hugged the boys and walked out to the carpark.
"Why are your eyes all bloodshot?" She asked while we walked.
"Oh. I was laughing with Levi and I laughed so hard I started to cry." I lied.
I couldn't tell her I told Levi. I only met him today. But I felt something.

During the ride home, my phone beeped. It was an unknown number.
"Hi Alexis. You looked beautiful tonight. If you ever need any help, I'm just a text away. -L"

That VIP Girl- A Levi Jones Story (The Tide)Where stories live. Discover now