Part 17

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*Levis pov*
"So did ye have a good time?" Drew asked as I walked into his room.
"Yeah it was really good, she didnt expect that she was going to meet them, she looked so happy."
"Where is she now?"
"Asleep." I said letting out a sigh.
"Dude, are you okay?"
"Yeah, just the way she is, it's going to be hard to look after her when we're touring and stuff. Like I won't be able to see her."
"Well, our birthday present to Alexis was a plane ticket to anywhere in America, so she can fly out to see you. I don't know if that's much of a help."
"Wow, thanks Drew."
"Anything to keep ye happy."
"I best be off, and thanks again." I walk out the door and walk slowly back to the room. I need a little bit of head space. But I don't know why. Everything's perfect. Except me. My heads a mess. Everything's jumbled up.
As I walk into our room, I close the door gently behind me. She looks so peaceful sleeping.
I change and get in beside her. I stay on my phone for a while. After about ten minutes, I begin to notice something red appear on the bed sheets.
Should I wake her and ask her? But she looks so peaceful. I'll wake her.
"Alexis?" I say shaking her. "Alexis, wake up."
She begins to move. She looks paler than usual.
"Alexis, please." I say now a bit more scared.
I text Drew to get the boys and come here.
When they come in, I'm crying.
"What happened?" Drew asked.
"I-I don't know. I was in bed And I noticed something red and-and I tried to wake her- and she wouldn't wake up and she's pale and I don't know Drew." I say falling into his arms.
"Come her buddy, we'll ring an ambulance." He says.
"She was moving." I say.
"She moved when I tried to wake her."
"So she's alive then." Nate said.
Within ten minutes of the ambulance being called they arrive.
I tell them everything that happened on the way to the hospital. I get in the ambulance with Alexis. I wasnt going to leave her. Not now. Not ever.

*Alexis Pov*
I can hear beeping and quiet sobbing. I slowly open my eyes. I'm in a strange room. I start to panic. I turn around to see a very upset Levi.
He looks up.
"Alexis?" He says.
I try to speak but no words come out so I squeeze his hand.
"I've been so worried. I'll get the nurse."
He comes back in with a blonde haired woman.
"Alexis, this is the nurse, she's going to tell you what happened." Levi said.
The woman sits down at the edge of the bed.
"Alexis, when you inflicted pain on yourself, you used a dirty blade. Your cuts got infected and because of that you fainted."
Oh god. I must of put Levi through so much pain.
"Also, your cuts were quite deep. You're lucky this young man noticed them when he did. You could have passed on last night."
Levi saved me?
"Thank you." Levi said as she left.
"I-I'm sorry." I said weakly.
"It's okay, you're okay now. Just don't do that again, please, you scared me." He said stroking my hair.
I could see he didnt sleep last night. But if he was where I am, I wouldn't have slept either.
Shes right, I'm lucky to have him.
"Levi, go get some rest." "No I'm staying here. I'm not leaving you alone."
"Call one of the boys in, they can stay with me."
"Okay ill get Drew."
Levi goes out to the waiting room and comes back with Drew. He must've slept last night.
"Take good care of her Drew." Levi said leaving.
"How are you feeling?" "Tired and sore."
"Last night, Levi was so upset. He didnt know what happened. None of us did."
"I know, I could see he was in pain."
It was a struggle for me to talk. I didnt even have the strength.

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