Part 5- Space

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She need time to think?
What's that supposed to mean?
She hates me now doesn't she?
What if she harms herself because of me?
I need to tell someone. Austin is the most mature. I need to break my promise.

"Hey, em, Austin, can I talk to you?"
"Yeah, what's up Levi?"
"I told Alexis I like her but she said I need some space to get her head around it. But she told me something on Wednesday night that I promised I wouldn't tell anyone but I need to tell someone for them to understand"
"So you want to tell me then?"
"Yeah, basically , so em, she sorta self harms. She was raped and her niece died on the same day. She's struggling. Because she said she needs space, I'm afraid she'll self harm again. But I don't want to text her or anything in case I'm annoying her. Austin, I don't know what to do."

I feel like crying. What if she cuts because of me.

"Levi, you told her you like her. Of course that's got to be huge for her. Of course she's going to want a bit of time. Give her another hour then text her. Don't come on too strong. She'll be okay, I promise."
"Thanks Austin. Why are you so mature?"

An hour goes by and there's no word from Alexis. She's probably busy, I tell myself. I go into my twitter account to see if she has twitter. I follow her. When I follow her, her followers blow up. I get tweets saying "is this the new girlfriend Levi? you followed her out of the blue" and "where's my follow?"

I turn my phone off because I need a break. Drew and Nate are going skateboarding so I go with them.


Levi likes me? I don't know what I'm thinking right now. My mind is all over the place. What do I do? I'm so confused. I just want to cry. No. don't cry Alexis. No matter what I say to myself, it doesn't stop the tears.

My phone starts to buzz.
"Levi Jones: Slide right to answer"
I answer.

"Hello." I utter.
"Alexis, hi, are you okay? I've been so worried.'
I pause.
"Alexis? Are you there please answer me." he sounds upset.
"Uh yeah I'm okay, are you?"
"Yeah, I was just worried about you. Are you crying?"
I wipe my tears away.

"Em.. I was but I've stopped now."
"Oh God, this is my fault. I'm so sorry, I should never have told you."
"No Levi, it's not your fault. I'm just confused."
"Oh okay"
"Listen, Levi, while we've been taking now, I can see how much you care. I can see that you genuinely have feelings for me, and em... well I think I might have feelings for you too."
"What?! Alexis, are you serious?"
"Would I lie about something this big? Listen, I have to go, dinners ready, I'll talk to you later."


"Austin... Austin, she likes me." I shouted while running into Austins room.
Drew. Nate... Oh no.
"Uh.. Where's Austin?"
"He's gone to Waddys room. So is it Alexis who likes you then?" Drew says.
"Uh... Yeah, I know I told you I don't like her but I really do"
"I'm happy for you bro. So are you going to make a move?"
"How the hell do I make a move if she lives in a different country?"
"Fly her out here, we're doing a lot of shows here over the next few weeks, you can spend time with her."
"I suppose I could but she'd have to run it by her parents first, what if they say no?"
"Prove to them that she would be safe with you" Nate suggests.
"How on earth would I do that? They don't know who I am"
"Make them know who you are and show them that you are responsible"
"Em.. okay.. I'll think of something" I say as I leave the room.

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That VIP Girl- A Levi Jones Story (The Tide)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang