part 20

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*Levis Pov*

I turn off my phone because Im fed up of notifications.
I had continuous messages from Davey and Drew.
But none from Alexis.
I've fucked up.
I should've been there for her.

I breathe in the crisp air above the river.
I could do this.
I could jump.

I stand up.
I take a deep breath.

"Levi." I hear someone shout from behind me.

What a great fucking time for who ever it is to come.

"What are you doing?" The person said, coming closer to me.

"She hates me." I say.

"She doesn't hate you." The person says back.

"How would you know?" I reply sharply.

"Turn around Levi."

Reluctantly, I turn around.


"Levi, I don't hate you."


She comes closer.

"I was just very disappointed. I expected you to be there for me."

"I truly am sorry Alexis. You needed me."

A tear slipped down my cheek.

"Come here Levi." She said as she pulled me into a hug.

"Please don't break up with me" I sobbed into her hoodie.

"Levi, im not going to break up with you." She pulls away.

"Levi look at me."

I look up at her.

"I love you. I dont hate you. I was just upset."

"I love you too" I say wiping away the tears, still rolling down my cheeks.

"Levi?" She asks.

"Mhm." I say as I take her hand.

"Um, Were you going to jump?" She asks looking at the ground.

"I was thinking about it."

"Aw babe. You're the reason I haven't committed suicide yet, I don't want the reason you did it to be me."

"I know"

"Are you okay?" She asks, concerned.

"I'll be alright. Come on, we have a plane to catch." I say as we walk back towards the hospital.

When we reach the hospital, I see Davey holding his phone to his ear.
I look down as he looks at me.

"Look who I found." Alexis says.

"Where were you?" Davey says sounding quite mad.

"Sorry" I mumble.

"Get in the van." He says.

Alexis and I hop in the back of the van.

"Oh hey guys" Drew says from the front.

"Hi" I reply.

"You guys alright?" Drew asks.

I look at Alexis. She smiles.

"Yeah, we're good." She says.

She might be good. But I'm still not sure.

"Ready to go guys?" Davey asks as he gets in the van.

"Let's go to Italy" Drew shouts.


"Levi, Levi wake up" I hear Alexis say, shaking me.

I groan as I open my eyes.

"Whaat?" I say.

"We're in Italy."


Another update for you guys.
Sorry for the way Levis been acting.

That VIP Girl- A Levi Jones Story (The Tide)Where stories live. Discover now